Chapter 15 | A Marriage Contract?

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+1k reads and 150 votes?! It's only been like three days since the last chapter! ARIGATO!

"SORA, AS THE OLDEST SON, you know that you must be willing to make sacrifices, correct?" Takahashi Adakashi asked as he folded his hands on the desk. His son nodded, lazily leaning back in the chair across his father. "I'm aware," he responded.

  Obviously pleased, his father's lips curved into a small smile. "Good. Very, very good, actually..."

  Sora seemed to notice by his father's words that this meant he was going to say something important. After being called into his father's office, he knew something was up, but he wasn't sure what. "What business is it that you want from me, exactly?" He asked suspiciously, feeling the need to sit up in his chair. Yet, for now, seeing as though nothing worrying had been said, he kept his calm, and remained sitting in the same lazy position.

  The older man chuckled. "You caught on quickly, Sora. Just like your mother, are you? Always aware of what's going on."

  Oh, but at the mention of her, he immediately sat up in his chair. He had barely gotten nine months with his mother, which was more than Nori ever had, but he was a total momma's boy. He lost count of how many times he had wished she was alive. "Now tell me," Sora narrowed his eyes. "why am I here? You never call me to your office unless it's urgent."

  His father's smile melted. "And you're straight to the point like her too, now aren't you?"

  Sora's expression went blank. "I'm sure this conversation isn't about my mother. Now just spill it out father, I'm sure you know I'm busy."

  Takahashi Adakashi's glare was one which would normally intimidate his business partners when they didn't agree with him. It would remind them of their insecurities. But even though secretly it would also get under his son's skin, Sora had developed the same stare. So he too could glare at his father in the same intimidating way.

  "Anyway." His father finally cleared his throat, looking away momentarily. "I'm here to explain my expectations on your part, Sora." Was his quick reply, and he reached for some papers in one of his drawers. "Go on," his son ushered. "As I'm sure you've noticed, business has been exceptionally low. So I've arranged a partnering with another company for five years, but they've only agreed under one condition." His father shot him an expectant look.

  Sora shrugged in a way as if saying, "How the hell do I know if you haven't told me?"

  "They've agreed to partner with us only if the heir to my company marries their daughter." His father explained.

  Sora blinked three times, wondering if he had heard correctly. But upon seeing the look on his father's face and realizing he had heard correctly, he slumped in his chair lazily and started laughing. And he started laughing hard. His father shot him a threatening glare, yet didn't say anything.

  "Marry their heir? Please, like I've ever even looked at a woman that way before."

  "I can't say your aren't a special case, Sora, but... you will marry her. When I hand you my role in this company, I want you to a have a lady at your side." His father spoke rather menacingly. "Well, why can't I just have an assistant or something?! Who says I have to get married?!" Sora huffed, throwing his hands up in the air.

Takahashi Adakashi shot him another threatening glare, daring him to defy him again. His son only rolled up his sleeves and took a deep breath. Both of them stared at each other for what seemed like the longest time, until finally Sora let out a scoff. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere. "Fine, I'll do as you say, father. However, I cannot guarantee that I'll love her, or that she'll love me."

  "Perfect. Now just one more thing... sign here." His father said, handing him the papers. He didn't care about anything else as long as his son followed through with the plan. Sora picked the papers up with one hand and quickly skimmed through them. He wouldn't admit it, but he was also looking for a way to get out of the deal afterwards. He couldn't find anything, yet he still signed his name on the line. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off." Sora said as he narrowed his eyes, getting up from his seat.

  His father didn't say anything, and instead kept his eyes fixated on the papers. He had met Sora and Nori's mother because of a contract, and he was sure his son would find love because of another contract, too.

Meanwhile, the boy walked through the halls and to his room, obviously in a bad mood. He passed by his brother Nori's room, and was surprised to see he wasn't there. But upon remembering that (Y/N) was also here, he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Oh course," he muttered. Now he just had to find the girl.

For a couple years, Sora had hoped things would return to the way they originally were, but once he begun his last year of High school and met (Y/N), that hope had disappeared. So after discovering the unconscious girl on the floor and two of his brothers standing next to her, you would think he would get angry.

Why couldn't things just be normal?! It was her fault that his brothers were acting this way, right? It was because they liked her.

  But a part of him was actually really worried, and he couldn't hold back a gasp.

  "What the hell did you two do to her?!" He growled.

  Alright, so now you can cue in the anger.


Question of the day: What do you think are the boys' spirit animals?

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