New Crushes

461 17 13

Prussia's POV

I hurried home after I got the message.

Little Bruder
Get your ass here now

It was a long run but I made it in record time. I seen Germany waiting at the door, looking annoyed.

"Vhere vere jou?"

I nervously scratched the back of my neck.
"Eh... I made a new friend.. Und I vas at his house.."

"Who is this 'new friend'?"

"Matthew Williams.."



Germany gave me a questioning look. I sighed. He really doesn't get noticed often enough.

"The blonde who is a monster at hockey."

"Oh, him. Vell, zhe reason I needed jou here vas zhat zhe microvave exploded vhen I turned it on. Vould jou happen to know why?"

I sweat dropped.

"Vell jou see... Oh look, Italy!"

While bruder had his back turned, I sprinted the opposite direction towards Spain's house.


After I was a safe distance away, I texted Spain and France in a group chat.

Zhe Awesome Prussia: guys the victim was little bruder

Francey Pants: ohonhonhon, what did he do?

Zhe Awesome Prussia: he explained what happened then asked if I happened to know why it exploded

Tomato God: what happened after that amigo?

Zhe Awesome Prussia: I said, "oh look, Italy!" Then ran off to Spain's house

Zhe Awesome Prussia changed Antonio's nickname to Spanish Booty
Changes Saved

Francey Pants: nice one. What about moi?

Zhe Awesome Prussia changed Francis's nickname to 'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!
Changes Saved

Zhe Awesome Prussia locked Francis' nickname

'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!: I hate you.

Zhe Awesome Prussia: ;3

Zhe Awesome Prussia: So, Francey Pants, didn't you raise Canada?

'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!: Oui, he is mon fils

Zhe Awesome Prussia: I went to his place today, he's awesome

Spanish Booty: Oh my

'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!: You called someone else awesome other then your self

Spanish Booty: That's not what I'm 'Oh my'ing

'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!: Then what

Spanish Booty: I just got your nickname :3

Zhe Awesome Prussia: Toni

Spanish Booty: Si?

Zhe Awesome Prussia: There should be a limit to how oblivious you're allowed to be. I'm going to Matthew's place again. Francis, what's his number

'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!: Whose?

Zhe Awesome Prussia: Your son's -_-

'Tis I, The Frenchiest Fry!: (555) 890-888-9078 (((thats a fake number.. plz do not try to call it)))

Zhe Awesome Prussia: Danke

Prussia dialed the number and waited for the Canadian to answer. He began dazing off, dreaming about the blonde. 'He's so nice to me. His pancakes are delicious. He's also kinda ador- awesome. He's awesome.' Prussia snapped out of it when he heard a voice.

"H-hello? Alfred, this had better not be you, this isn't funny."

"O-oh, nein, It's me Birdie. Bitte, I was distracted."

"It's okay Gil. I-it happens." "Okay. Vell, I vas vondering if I could come back? I'm free now."

"Th-that's fine with me."

"Okay, danke! I'll b over in a few!" He hung up then sprinted back to the Canadian's house. He stopped at the door to catch his breath, then knocked.

Canada heard this and opened it.

"Hallo birdie!"

"H-hi, Gil."

He let the wild albino in, who sat down on the couch.

"Now, I have a question zhat has been on my mind for avhile." Canada sat in front of him.

"Wh-what is it?"

"I heard zhat jour bruder's states are personified. Did he have to have sex for zhat to happen?"

Matthew snickered a little. "Wh-whenever a new state was found he would always become pregnant, except for the first few states. B-but when it happened he always acted like either an over emotional teen girl, or a drunk dance star. I-it was rather amusing. Even more so when it was time for him to give birth. I think it was the last fifteen it happened with? W-well, every time he did, he'd yell I'm too young to die."

Gilbert laughed, then looked at Canada.

"Vhat about jou?"

"I-i ended up being the luckier of the two of us." Gilbert laughed again.

"I love hanging out vith jou! I dont understand how jou aren't noticed, jou're really fun." Matthew blushed a little.

"Th-thank you.." Gil smiled then hugged Mattie.

"I'll make sure people start noticing jou. Jou deserve it."

"Th-thank you.." Matthew hugged Gilbert back, happy that he found a friend that notices him.


Sorry it's so short, I thought it'd be a good place to stop here

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