A Letter of Resignation

Comenzar desde el principio

Blaise looked at his friend, "Seriously, what happened last summer?"

Draco studied his friend's face, "I'm not going to be able to lie to you, am I?"

"Nope, spill."

Draco took a deep breath and began his story. After about fifteen minutes, he'd recounted his entire summer and the months following. Blaise sat at the end of the bed in silence. Draco watched as Blaise attempted to wrap his head around the story he'd just heard.

"You're sleeping with Harry Potter?" he asked quietly.

Draco gave a slight laugh of relief, "Is that your only question? I though you would have had a lot better ones than that."

"Oh I do," Blaise started pacing around the room, "But right now, my mind is sort of on the fact that you've been skipping dinner, to go make out with Harry Fucking Potter!"

"Yell a little louder, why not?" Draco said sarcastically. 

"I just might." Blaise sat back down and put his head in his hands, "What the hell were you thinking? If your father finds out, if anyone finds out... He's going to kill you, and your family."

"You really don't think I know that? That I haven't thought about what this would mean for us? I have, and so has Harry. We wouldn't be doing anything without knowing the risks, Blaise, you have to trust me." 

Blaise looked at Draco and sighed, "Are you happy? Is he a good guy?"

Draco smiled and nodded, "Yeah, he's the best."



"Okay," Blaise repeated, "But if he hurts you, I'll hex him into the next century."

Draco laughed, "I wouldn't have it any other way. But listen, you can't tell anyone. I already feel bad enough bringing you into the loop without talking to him, so you have to keep this between us."

"Oh course, I won't tell anyone." Blaise promised.

"Okay, now that that's settled, I have to send this letter." Draco released a long breath, "Wish me luck."


Draco walked up the owlry stairs with the letter clutched tightly in his hand. When he walked in the door, his owl flew to the window to meet him. "Hey," he greeted the owl. He stroked her feathers and let her eat a few treats from his hand, "I'm gonna need you to take this letter to Mother. Can you do that?" the owl cooed in response and nipped Draco's finger affectionately, "Thanks." He watched as she dove out the window and flew out of sight, "Fly safe." he muttered.

"I always liked that owl."

Draco turned to find Harry leaning against the door frame. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Harry smiled, "Same as you." he held up an envelope of his own.

Draco pulled Harry into a kiss, "What about later?"

Harry raised his eyebrow, "I don't know, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking we meet in the library later tonight, maybe get some studying done, talk a little." Draco suggested.

Harry laughed, "Wow, sounds romantic."

Draco pushed Harry and laughed, "Prat."

Harry rolled his eyes and gently shoved Draco back. The blonde stumbled back, tripping over a stray box and tumbled to the ground, "Draco!" Harry held out his hand to pull the other boy up, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Draco said, taking Harry's hand, "I'm fine." He smirked as he pulled down on Harry's arm, causing the boy to fall forward. 

Harry caught himself on his hands just before falling on top of Draco. He looked down at the blonde beneath him, "Why does this seem familiar?"

Draco laughed and propped himself up on his elbows so that his face was nearly touching Harry's, "Does it? I thought it was something a bit more like this." The blonde flipped them over so that they were in the reversed position.

"Oh, that's right," Harry joked, "You're a control freak."

"Am not!" Draco cried in defense.

Harry laughed and leaned up to kiss his boyfriend, "Yeah, you are." 

Draco rolled his eyes and kissed Harry back, "Arse."

"Okay, let me up."

"Make me, Golden Boy." Draco taunted, pinning Harry to the ground by his wrists.

Harry rolled his eyes, "You know, in this position, if I raised my knee just like so."  Harry popped his knee up and into Draco's rear, sending the Slytherin forward over Harry.

"Rude." Draco remarked as he dusted himself off.

Harry rolled his eyes and watched as he sent Hegwig off with his letter, "Prat." he spat back, sending Draco a Malfoy worthy smirk.

Draco rolled his eyes, "You're lucky I love you." Harry's eyes widened as Draco's face turned a deep crimson, "Oh, um... well you don't have to.... I mean, I understand if you don't... it hasn't really been that long, so-"

"Stop talking." Harry muttered as he pulled Draco closer by his tie. Harry pushed his lips against Draco's and pulled the boy into a passionate embrace. "I love you too."

The "Draco Malfoy" Thing (Drarry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora