Chapter Thirty:

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"Oh it won't be my boyfriend avenging me." I promise him, my voice dark, with a hint of humor. He looked at me, puzzled.

"Oh? Who will it be?" I hoped my smile looked as predatory as it felt, as I smirked across at him.

"I'd rather not ruin the surprise for when they come for you." I tell him. His expression turns hard for a second, before returning going back to courteous.

"We'll see." He smiles.

But he's curious, I can see it flickering in his eyes. Maybe he can tell that my threat isn't empty. Because it isn't. My letter to Edward told him that if he ever met Luna, he needed to tell her everything about James. And Luna would inform the Department of Magical Creatures. The price a 'magical creature' paid for killing a witch or wizard was high- death.

If the Light won the War, and Edward told Luna what had happened to me like my letter instructed, then James would be put down like the sick, sick puppy he was.

"This was all just a little too easy, too quick," James started speaking, "to be quite honest, I'm disa-"

"Oh get on with it, you arsehole." I scoffed, interrupting him. "I'm not interested in your sodding villain's spiel. Just hurry up already." James' face darkened, and he slumped forwards into a crouch I recognized, his smile widening until it wasn't a smile at all, but a contortion of teeth, exposed and glistening.

"Now that wasn't very nice," he growled, and he was in front of me in a flash. I didn't see if he used his hand or his foot, he was too fast. A crushing blow struck my chest –I felt myself flying backward, and then heard a crunch as my head bashed into the mirrors. The glass buckled, some of the pieces shattering and splintering on the floor beside me.

I was too stunned to feel the pain. I couldn't breathe yet. James' eyes were narrowed as he walked toward me, slowly. "You're really trying my patience, you know." He snarled. "I was supposed to be filming this, a nice little present for your boyfriend. You made me lose my temper."

"Oh I'm sorry!" I wheezed out, "my bad!" He scowls, suddenly looming over me, his foot stepping down hard on my leg. I heard the sickening snap before I felt it. But then I did feel it, and I couldn't hold back my cry of anguish. I slumped forwards to reach for my leg, and he kicked it. I heard a piercing scream. With a shock, I realized it was mine. "My friends are going to fucking kill you! You're fucking dead!" I shrieked at him, tears of agony streaming down my face.

"Stupid human," I heard him sneer, and then something smashed into my face, throwing me back into the broken mirrors. Over the pain of my leg, I felt the sharp rip across my scalp where the glass cut into it. And then warm wetness began to spread through my hair with alarming speed. I could feel it soaking the shoulder of my shirt, hear it dripping on the wood below.

"Son of a whore," I moaned, slumping down. Upon hearing no reply to my feeble attempt to continue taunting him, I squinted through the nausea and dizziness, and saw something that made my lips turn up into a weak smile of victory.

His eyes, merely intent and angry before, now burned with uncontrollable need. The blood- spreading crimson across my white V-neck, pooling rapidly on the floor- had awakened the thirst inside him. I knew that the smell couldn't be affecting him, but he was Thirsty enough from his relentless hunting of me without breaking to feed, that the sight was enough.

No matter his original intentions, he couldn't draw this out much longer. I watched him through heavily lidded eyes as I saw his dark shape coming toward me. With my last effort, my hand instinctively raised to protect my face.

I couldn't control what happened next.

A sharp, slashing pain brought my awareness back to the surface, and a part of me became very aware of the fact that a vampire was biting me. My reaction was instinctive.

Moonspell (Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon