Author's Note

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Hello readers! I decided to do an authors note on this little story I'm writing so here it goes!
  -I'm mainly doing this cause i get bored pretty easily.
- a lot of this will be based off of things I like. ( EX: Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Dark Matter, etc.
-I will post two chapters a week unless something pops up.(EX: I get writers block very often. )
-I'm a crappy speller, so if I misspell something please politely correct me in the comments if you want to.
-feel free to follow, read, vote and comment on my stuff! ( not forcing you to though. 😋)
-I'll do short stories on the side, since this story is what I'll mainly be working on.
-I hope you enjoy my story!!

Crossed Beyond Starsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें