Original: The Night Borrower Series

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Series: The Night Borrower Series

Series: The Night Borrower Series

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I. Night City: Sabotage

Vauliane Mavalonaz never wanted anything more than she wanted revenge.

Her father was killed because of an order from her insane, Russian grandfather...

At least, that's the summary...

Take a trip into the anti-heroine's life as she uncovers the truth behind the terrible tragedy that was Nicolai Mavalonaz's death, gets her vengeance and finds romance where she least expects it.

And it all takes place in Nyx City....

Welcome to the city where crime isn't against the law but a part of every day life. Where you have twelve hours to build a fortune or wreck your cousin's empire. It's normal in the day but when the clock strikes 6 in the evening, hell breaks loose.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, in the city of Nyx.

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