Original: The Dark Trinity Installments

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Series: The Dark Trinity Installments

Series: The Dark Trinity Installments

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I. Refuge

Death, Destruction, Disaster.

Those are the three despairs that begin the life of a 'Dark Nebula'. The three dangers needed for one to become a virtual god of catastrophe. While all three are equally devastating, there are only three known reactions to being doomed to such a fate.

1. Revenge
The most mundane of the three. Here, morals and values mean nothing.

2. Despair
After all, it's only natural for despair to cause more despair. It's even more despairing when there's nothing you can do about it.

And the worst of all...
[3. Replay]
This one is just plain cruel. Forever stuck in the past, reliving the horrors and terrors of your pitiful life.

Now that you are all caught up,  we shall be taking a trip through the third on a perilous journey. I have one question that you must answer by the end.

So, you want to become a god of catastrophe, do you?


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