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Yukon tried desperately to pull me up but my leg was wedged under a pile of wood, how my leg got stuck in there I have no idea but he started to panic and pulled, hard I scream out in agony as I felt a sharp pain shoot through my ankle but I do what I have to do and get up, my brother slings me on his back and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was a black coiling mass chasing after us.

I wince in pain as my brother wraps my ankle up, he's not very efficient with the wrapping as it's a bit messed up, its soft fabric slowly slipping down my ankle with each second. He's getting pretty agitated and gives a sigh of frustration, before I could even get the chuckle out he snaps his head up and says;
"Don't even dare laugh"
I put my hands up in defeat and lay back down. Once he's done he stands up and puts out his hand, "here" he whispers I grab it firmly and pull myself up.
"What do you think that was?" I asked, shaken
"lll explain later.." he mutters
"No no and no, you can't keep telling me you'll tell me later you've been doing that since we where in the orphanage! I want to know, everything" Yukon gives me a look of anger until he gives that up and his expression goes into a sorrowful one "do you really want to know?" "Really" I say "fine! Fine, I'll tell you.... that thing that was chasing us was ahem to put it softly, the Devils snare" I gasp in shock and give a are you sure? Look. "Look I know it seems unbelievable but trust me, that was only one of the forms it can take, it's less powerful one yes, but still way to dangerous to anyone" he takes a deep breathe before pressing on " the reason I didn't want to tell you is because... because it wants you and you only. I don't know the reason don't ask but it doesn't give a shit about me... or so I thought until like 30 minutes ago, whatever its goal is it's to take you or me or" he stops "both of us..."
"Sooooo what your saying is some black cloudy shit wants to take me somewhere that's very dangerous and now it wants both of us? Great!" I say sarcastically "come one atura be more serious! It's not just anywhere, it's Tartarus... it wants to take us there. Do you know what that is? Or how dangerous it is?" He asks "of course I do! It's where most monsters and terrible things form, it's below the underworld and way way more toxic and Dangerous then the underworld" I spit out as quick as I can "well good thing you know because I'm sure where going to be taking a long vacation there..."

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