The orphanage

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I'm standing in my abandoned orphanage looking around, my old terror slowly flooding my senses. I haven't been in this place since I was a child, and I never wanted to be back. I walk around crunching dry, old leafs, everything was a mess. The walls crumbling with mold and age, this place used to be oh so grand. The mansion stood at least 40 foot into the air, massive doors in the entrance that had extravagant patterns on that would put any artist to shame. The door nobs where easily the size of my head and where the shape of eyes. I was always terrified of them as a kid for some reason.

I continue to wonder around reminiscing on how beautiful this place used to be when I come across a locket, I bend down and pick it up, lightly rubbing my thumb on the engravings. How strange, it's in the shape of a eye. I drop it in my coat pocket and turn to trot on but I was stopped by a wall, funny I thought, i didn't see the wall before I knock on it and realise it's hollow and thin by the feels and looks of it so, being the person I am I smash it down out of curiosity and find a secret room.

The room was very, very old the walls a dark green with the same beautiful patterns the doors had, although I realised sadly this room used to be a lively place always full of life but had been covered up from a dark past, that dark past being related to me. I started to tear up so I walk away only to, again, be disturbed by another fucking wall "if I bump into another freaking wall I'm gonna scream" I shout not knowing that there was something behind me or should I say someone.

"Yknow you really need to control that anger of yours, the reason you walked into that wall was because you weren't looking, so I'd advise you not to look down while walking" I whip around to find my brother, Yukon leaning against a battered Wooden pole I give a sigh of relief and walk over smiling "hey! What are you doing here?" I say happily my brother smiles and answers "I was just looking around and found our old orphanage, my it has become a reck hasn't it?" I agree quickly "it's sad to see it like this but with all the horrible stuff that happened here to us I would just like to believe its karma" I say quickly. Yukon takes a sharp inhale as he too remembers the horrors that went on within this morbid place he nods sadly and says, "yes this place contains memories no person should hold but it isn't our fault we got chosen to be apart of the devils snare" if you didn't know, the devils snare is a ruthless demonic cult that twists peoples childhood as there main targets are children. They are horrible people that I hope no one ever has the unfortunate luck to come across. I give a sad smile of agreement and ask, "so I found a room that may contain something important, you want to check it out?" He nods and I lead the way to the room, when where there, which to be honest was not really that far like 10 steps, we're standing out side the room when my brothers face contorts into that of a silent scream. I give a shout of concern as my brother shouts, "we need to go, now!" He grabs my hand and we sprint off hurriedly, in my confusion I trip and fall on a piece of broken wood.

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