Chapter 9

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"Is this some sort of joke!?" Peter called out, his hands grasping at the holding cell bars.

    "Oh stop complaining. You threw a punch at the sheriff and Killian. Plus-"

    The same two men from the diner came inside, David and Killian. "Well, what's wrong, Emma?"

    She stood from her chair, greeting the men. "I need to talk to you." Emma turned towards Peter. "All of you."

    The men took seats in front of the desk that Emma had been sitting behind. Peter didn't pay any attention to the small speech, all he did was plan his next revenge. He was one of those people that if he doesn't like the way he is thought about or treated, he will change it.

    In the middle of her speech, Peter used a spell that put the four outside of the cell to sleep. While they all fell to the ground, he disappeared, back to the hospital.


"Hey. You feeling okay?" Peter asked me, sitting in a chair next to my bedside.

I shrugged, not wanting to tell him what the doctor had told me. It wasn't any type of life changing event, but the cause of my incident was not one Peter would be happy with. Because he caused it.

"What happened at the police station?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing, they just scolded me about public harassment. Evidently, I attempted to punch the sheriff." he laughed thinking it'd make me happy. With no sign of excitement in my face, he frowned and rubbed my shoulder. "So, any news? Can I take you out of here or do I need to do some magic?" he rubbed his hands together, followed by a smirk.

Before I could say anything, the doctor walked in, ready to explain everything. "Oh! You must be Peter. Bailey's..." he was about to guess what type of relationship we were in, but Peter quickly jumped in.

"Husband. Is my baby alright sir?"

I gave him an evil eye, and he returned an evil grin.

"Well Peter, has she told you what happened?" He looked to me, then back at the doctor shaking his head. "Bailey blacked out. What happened was a few repressed memories were playing through her mind. Repressed memories are memories that have been unconsciously blocked due to the memory being associated with a high level of stress or trauma."

Peter narrowed his eyebrows, confused on what the doctor was explaining.

"Bailey tried to push these painful memories away, and they were gone for a while, but came back. This caused her to go into deep detail about it, and blackout."

"That's a horrible explanation. Does he even know what he's talking about?" Peter thought.

"Also, it had come to my attention that Bailey hasn't had enough sleep, it seems she hasn't eaten much in a few months, and that's about it."

"Is she free to go home?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Yes-" Peter grabbed my hand before the man could finish. "But, she needs to be eating more, also make sure to drink a lot of water."

I nodded, and Peter just rolled his eyes. "Thanks, doc, but I need to get going."

Peter helped me out of the bed, then took me out of the hospital, soon disappearing back to the room.

"Guess what time it is, princess?" Peter asked me, hopping onto the bottom of my bed.

"Time to go home?!" I was sitting criss cross, a few feet away from Peter.

"No," he said firmly. "Confessing time!" He yelled. He clapped his hands like a small child would.

"Confessing time? I hope you're not just talking about me." I opened my mouth to say more, but Peter stopped me.

"Excuse me? What do I need to tell you? I have nothing to hide."

I stared at him for a moment, then fell back onto the pillows. "I'm not talking."

"Fine, I won't take you home."

He wanted to get what he wanted, which I knew he always did. But maybe I could alter his thoughts. Or at least make a bargain. I really didn't know. I was so good at manipulating people into doing things.

"That's okay. I like it here." I smirked, but Peter returned one.

"As do I." he started to crawl forwards, so I jumped back.

But he did not stop.

"Ok! You can quit doing that!" I rolled off the bed, backing away towards the bathroom. "I'll lock myself in here."

"Oh really? We both know I can transport you out, or transport myself in." Peter crossed his arms, thinking he was being smart with his words.

"Oh and that's why I plan to have my very own magic surrounding the bathroom. We both know I have my magic now. Or were you too dumb to realize it, Peter?"

"You're not going to make me budge."

"Right back at you." I slowly started to open the door. I stepped backward, shutting the door as quickly as possible. I took a deep breath, releasing all the stress.

I had finally gotten away from Peter.

Now, don't get me wrong.

I already said I had fallen in love with him.

But of course, in the end, he's always a little too clingy.

I looked down at my ring, smiling at the moment he put it on. Why do I always get so emotional and sensitive about these things?

Author's Note:

I really don't know about this chapter. I've been so busy and I had no clue how to end it.

-Bella Kae <3

2 Cigarettes by Jack and Jack

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