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Evie squeaks walking into my room.
"How'd it go with fish boy?"
"Evie, calm down. I just showed him to the different places to get food and ate with him."
Mal smirks crossing her arms.
"He's so into you."
"Girls stop. He's new and he's like a lost puppy. He's going to follow me around cause the poor guy gets confused so easily."
I look at the door hearing a cough.
"Uh,PJ, Gil wants to know where the archery range is." Jay says smiling.
Carlos smiles and wiggles his eyebrows.
"Guys stop! I'm just helping him fit in. I did the same when you all came."
"Yeah but you didn't pull one of us to the side to lead us around personally."
Jay teases.
"Oh my Genie! I'm going to have Jordan curse all of you!"
I groan walking out of the room.
"You're lying to yourself! You're made for each other!" Evie sings.
I roll my eyes yelping when I run into someone.
"Sorry!" I quickly apologize.
The person laughs.
"Oh you can run into me anytime, angelfish."
A thick accent fills my ears.
I roll my eyes.
"I take back my apology." I huff walking towards his and Gil's dorm room.
"You know you could stop wasting your time on Gil and spend it with me."
Harry says using his hook to pull me back by my belt loops.
I grit my teeth and look at Harry.
"I have three wishes and you're not one of them now swim off."
I grunt maneuvering my way out of his hold and off his hook. I walk into the dorm room knocking.
"Gil, its Jade."
He jumps up and looks at me.
"Hey! It's Gil."
I laugh and nod.
"Yeah I know."
He smiles.
"Uh Jay and Carlos said there was a archery rage. Could you uh show it to me?"
I nod.
"Of course."
We start our walk in a comfortable silence.
I silently curse myself for not bringing a jacket since it was a bit chilly outside.
"You look cold."
I look up at him and nod.
"Yeah I'm a little chilly."
"Harry tells me to give a girl my jacket if they're cold but I don't wear jackets."
I giggle.
"I wouldn't listen to Harry. If you want a girl to like you have to be yourself. If you don't want to give a girl or boy your jacket don't."
He looks at me and nods.
"You're smart!"
"Thank you."
He lets out a scream.
"What's that?!"
He yells pointing to a horse.
I giggle.
"That's a horse."
"It looks like it would eat me."
I walk over to the fence and whistle for the large animal to come over to us.
"Gil, meet Brandy. She's the nicest horse here."
Gil looks at the animal timidly.
I pet the animal's nose.
"If you want to I'll teach you how to ride one."
"You can ride them?"
I nod.
"Yeah you can."
Gil gives me a look which I return with a smile.
I grit my teeth hearing Chad Charming.
"Jade! Babe!"
Gil instantly turns around.
I turn around and look at Chad.
"What do you want Chad?"
"You, me, date tomorrow."
I shake my head.
"I'm busy. I actually care about my future and life goals and I don't have time to waste on people who have a smaller brain then a mosquito."
Chad looks at Gil.
"Then why are you with him?"
In a quick moment Chad was pushed back into the barn wall.
"Insult him again and I will call Audrey and tell her about how you forgot to buy her a birthday present last year."
Chad gives me a fearful look.
"Now fly off!"
He nods and scrambles to get away.
"Woah! You're like a VK or something."
I look back at Gil.
"No I just have a temper. I'm not too fond of people picking on villains or other people in general."
"Wasn't your dad a bad guy?"
I nod my head.
"Yeah kinda. He was a thief and lied. So I guess he kinda was."
Gil nods walking along side me.
"Harry really likes you. Like he talks about you nonstop. Uma doesn't. Uma thinks you're a goody two shoes who is going to steal Harry from her."
I look at Gil a surprised look on my face.
This kid doesn't think before he speaks does he?
"Well you should assure Uma that I have no intention of taking Harry from her."
Gil nods.
"What does that mean?"
"Tell her I'm not going to steal Harry from her."
He makes a little 'oh' before nodding.
I open the door of the archery building.
"And we're here."
I grab a bow and quiver holding it out for Gil.
The blonde haired boy take them both. He puts the quiver on his back before loading the bow.
He pulls back on the string before letting go making the arrow fly.
The arrow landed in the dead center of the target.
This kid was good.
He wasn't book smart,no not at all, but he defiantly was very good at other things.
"Gil, who taught you how to shoot?"
"My father. He taught all of his kids how to."
I nod my eyes fixating on him.
He seemed so confident so sure when he had that bow in his hands.
"Gil, where did you get your name?"
I ask since I knew it was very unGaston to not have his kid named after him,
"Well you see, my name isn't actually Gil. It's Gaston, but I'm not Gaston. I'm Gil. When I was a kid Uma and Harry gave me the name Gil cause they said it fit me. That's why I call Uma, shrimpy. She gave me a name so I call her one Mal gave her. "
I tilt my head a smile on my face.
"You want to try?"
He asks holding the bow out for me.
"Sure. Why not."
He hands me the bow with an arrow already loaded.
"So like aim at the target and let go."
I smile at his attempt to coach me on this.
I aim at the target before letting the string go.
I yelp as the bow falls out of my hands when the arrow leaves it.
Gil laughs and picks it up.
"You know since your smart and I'm not you should try and give me smarts."
I pout.
"Gil you are smart, but if you want me to try and help you with some of your classes I will. Pick two classes you really want my help with and I'll help you, okay?"
"Yeah then I'll teach you some things I know! So it's fair."
I look at him and nod.
"Of course."
I look at my watch.
"Let's get back before everyone thinks the dragons ate us."
Gil gasps.
I look at him and laugh.
He was adorable.
This would be fun.

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