Chapter 4

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"That's a lie!" Sean turned to look at his mother, his face full of desperation. "She's lying! They're all lying!"

"Hush," His mother scolded, putting her hand on his arm to calm him. "I'm trying to listen." Sean gave up, throwing his hands up from frustration. The principal, however, went on.

"He won't try in any of his classes, he won't pay attention in class, and it came to our attention today that he had been forging notes to excuse himself from classes. In fact, he even cussed out one of our most respected teachers today."

Sean tried furiously to get his mother to listen to him, but she wouldn't pay the slightest bit of attention to what he had to say. When she had been sufficiently informed of what was going on, he took one look at her and realized he was going to be in for quite a long lecture when they got home and he would probably end up getting grounded, but damn if he wasn't going to make it worth being yelled at.

"I quit." The words came quickly, without care or feeling, much to his surprise. Despite the months it had taken for him to finally decide upon what to do, it had only taken him a second to say something that could very possibly alter his entire future. The people in the office only stared at him, unsure of what to do or say. The principal finally broke the eerie silence. "What did you say?"

"You heard me. I said I quit. I hate this school, the teachers, the people that go here, everything. I quit." His mother stared at him, her eyes softening at realizing what it was her son was saying.

"Sean, please, you can't be serious."

"What do I have to do? Give me the damn papers to fill out, and I'll do it." The principal looked at his mother, who was currently at a loss for words.

"You know, of course, that he can't quit unless you permit it, seeing as how he's not sixteen yet?"

"You're sure this is what you want? You've thought about it before?" She sighed, knowing arguing with him wasn't any use since it's almost nearly impossible to change his mind once a thought comes to his head.

"Yes. I can't take being here anymore, mom, I can't." Moments of tense silence passed before, again, his mother spoke, this time to the principal at her side. "What do I have to sign?"

With a pout, she signed the papers that the secretary had brought over. Sean said a silent thank you to his mother and looked over at Mrs. Kay, who surprisingly had a smug grin on her face. As the two walked out the door, he made certain to trample not one, but both of her feet on his way out.

"Just one for the road, ma'am."

* * *

"You WHAT?!" Ellie screamed, nearly making Sean's ears plead for mercy. "I can't BELIEVE this! How COULD you?!"

"Eleanor..please...calm down. You don't have to scream, I'm right here."

"Do you have ANY idea how many of my plans you've screwed up?! I thought we were going to go to college together and everything!"

"I never promised you that...I just told you I'd try."

"Yeah, well, some trying that turned out to be." Ellie turned around on Sean's bed, in effect turning her back on him. Just minutes ago she'd came over to his house to, one, bring his books back and two, see what had all went down. All she had wanted was to get the latest dirt about his relationship with Mrs. Kay. She didn't, however, plan on her boyfriend telling her that he had actually quit school all together. She felt the bed sink slightly, and Sean soon appeared at her side. He put an arm around her shoulders, making her turn around to look at him.

"Eleanor..Ellie," He ammended upon noticing the look of disapproval on her face. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear I didn't, I just couldn't take what they were putting me through anymore."

"So you gave in. You gave them exactly what they wanted."

"And I feel guilty about that, but in another sense, I feel like the weight of the world's been lifted off my shoulders. Honey, you have to understand that." She glared at him. "I don't have to understand anything you tell me, Sean." He nodded a slight agreement.

"I know, but...well, put yourself in my place. What would you have done?"

"I would have told you about it first. Then I would have considered it." She crossed her arms, then finally let him hold her against his chest. "Look at've been through hell today and here I am feeling sorry for myself. I'm sorry," She said quietly as she reached up to kiss his lips.

"'S okay," He whispered gently. She looked up at him.

"Now to plan that birthday present."

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