Time to stop the killer...

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Emily, Toby and Olivia were all heading to Emily's house, to see if they can get their minds off what happened. But Olivia doesn't know if she can take her mind off the incident. When they got to Emily's place, they all went straight to her bedroom. Whilst Emily was downstairs getting some snacks to have a movie night in her bedroom, Olivia used the time to ask Toby a few questions. "When you looked at me, whilst we were talking to the police, your face looked like you knew something. What is it," asked Olivia. Toby took a deep breath and answered, "I know who that girl is. The one we saw outside the club when we were talking, I recognised her straight away. Even with what she did to her face, it was easy for me to tell that it was her." Olivia thought this was the right time to ask about her. "Who is she? How do you know her?" Toby went quiet for a minute, then spoke. "She was an old school mate from school. I moved up to the countryside long before she did. Her face hasn't changed much since I last saw her, which was when we were younger. She probably doesn't remember me though. Her name's Becky. Becky Eleanor Woods." Olivia stopped him before he could say anything else. "Wait. Did you just say, Woods?" Toby slowly nodded his head. He knew what she was thinking. "I think she's related to that boy, Jeffery Woods." Olivia then continued his sentence, "The boy who went missing months and months ago, after the murder of a man and woman in the house on the grassland." Toby added, "I always thought that he was the one who murdered them. I saw him once, he had the same face as Becky's." Olivia widened her eyes. She then remembered what Becky said, "She said that she lived in that house. Earlier when we saw her, she told us she lived there." Toby then remembered what he saw on the news, "Did you see Becky on the news? She had a stab wound and she was with her dog. Her parents had been murdered." Olivia nodded her head, "She looked awful. I have a feeling that Jeff had something to do with it." Toby remembered something else. "Jeff is dead. Remember, they found his body burning in a little house in the woods. I think Becky did it." Olivia knew what he was talking about. "Maybe she just did that for self defence. However, you wouldn't set someone on fire for self defence. She must've had a reason for doing it. When I think about it, I feel sorry for her. I've never seen her with her dog, that's made me guess that he died. Plus, she's had her parents murdered. She's been through a lot." Olivia started to feel a bit of sympathy for Becky.

They both heard Emily coming upstairs so they stopped talking about Becky. Toby quickly whispered, "Don't mention anything to Emily. This is just between us two." Olivia nodded her head and Emily walked in with a horror movie. It was A Nightmare on Elm street. "Sorry I took so long. I was making some popcorn." Olivia replied with a smile, "Oh that's alright Emily. I love this film, I haven't seen it in ages." Emily smiled then turned the tv on and put the film in the DVD player. As she did so, Olivia and Toby looked at each other but didn't say anything. Suddenly, they heard the thunder rumble outside. It was really dark outside and the only light was the streetlights. Emily had her windows and curtains closed. "Oh crap! I forgot the Coke. Do you guys want some," Emily asked. Toby and Olivia both nodded their heads and Toby said, "Yes please, babe." Emily smiled and before she went to get some Coke, she asked, "Oh, could one of you open the window? I like listening to the rain outside." Then she went downstairs. Olivia got up and went to the window to open it, Toby watched her as she did so. When Olivia opened the curtains, she nearly screamed. There was Becky, staring at her through the glass. Before Olivia could scream, Toby shot up and put his hand over her mouth. "Shhh, we don't want alarm Emily," he whispered into her ear. Olivia quickly calmed down and Toby took his hand off her mouth. Olivia looked at him and said softly, "I'm fine." She never truly knew how much she liked Toby. They both looked at Becky. Toby was certain it was the girl he knew from school. He saw the way she was looking at them both, that unsettling smile on her face. She was the spitting image of Jeff. It was like she was staring into their souls. The rain was dripping down her face, making the blood from her smile drip. Becky must've climbed on the slanted roof of the kitchen to get to the bedroom window. "Don't open the window," Toby said to Olivia. She agreed with him but she never took her eyes off Becky. Becky then suddenly banged on the window and Olivia ran back into Toby. Without hesitating, he wrapped his arms around her. Olivia looked at Toby and he looked back at her. Then they looked at Becky. The boy then got close to the window, his eyes were locked on Becky. When he got closer he said, "Becky, what has become of you?" The killer was able to lipread, she was wondering how he knew who she was. She tilted her head to the side, then held the knife up. Toby looked at the knife, which had blood on it. He realised that it really was Becky who killed Tina.

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