It's only the beginning

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This is my new story enjoy and please comment and vote and message any thought. Thanks x


It's only the beginning

Chapter 1

The last thing I remembered was a man standing above me.

* flash back *

" Where is your homework Anastasia? " Miss Murdock asked. Miss Murdock was a old gray haired teacher. She has been teaching for ages and never had a pupil like me apparently. No teacher has.

" Well let's just say I never did it. " I said.

The more I think about it I don't know why I am called Anastasia, my whole 'family' have modern names like Tessa ( my sister ), Abbie ( my mum ) and Jace ( my dad). I don't look like them ether I have eyes every colour you can think of black, silver, gold, purple, red, blue all of them no matter what colour it is I have it in my eyes. While my 'family' have brown, my hair is a dark smokey red and they all have light brown, my hair is long and wavy and theirs is short and straight. I'm thin and almost white and my whole body is toned and they are chubby and tanned.

" Detention then. " She snapped. She started scribbling on a detention slip and gave it to me on my way out. That was the fourth one today. What's wrong with me I thought to myself. I was so lost in thought on how different I was to my 'family' I bumped into a man I never saw before.

" I am sorry I didn't see you there. " I said.

" It's ok little Anastasia. I was looking for you, your mother wants to see you after all these years. " The man said.

" H-how do you know my name? I already have a mum, even though I look nothing like her or my dad, but still. "

" The mum you live with is not your real mum. Please come with me and I will take you to her. " He said. I ran from him but he caught up to me with inhuman speed. That's when I blacked out.

* flash back over *

I woke up in a small room. On a small bed. The walls were peeling with grey paint. The floor was a light brown wood. I tried to get up but I was chained to the wall. I was getting really angry and the next thing I knew I was on fire but it didn't hurt me, it felt right, the chains started to melt and then they were fully gone but as soon as that happened the door started to open.

" shit " I said to myself and ran to the bed. If I used fire to melt the chains then maybe I have control over the other elements water, wind and earth I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and thought about the floor freezing over and whoever it was froze with it. When I opened my eyes that had happened, guards came running in and tried to get the person off the floor. Now was my time to escape I got wind to knock the guards out the way and ran. I ran for 20 minuets and came to a stop. Someone made a wall of fire, I put it out easily and saw a woman standing wide eyes staring at me. I tilted my head sideways wait she looked like me. No it can't be I thought. Is that me real mother?!


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This book has twists and turns and some romance and fights. Any ideas are welcome so comment and I will see what I can do. Xx PHIA IS AWESOME ( Sophia or as you may see there Phia is one of my best friends and was reading this and thought it would be funny to write 'PHIA IS AWESOME' so I'm leaving that to embarrass her. Her wattpad name is @icanshipit so please follow her and read her book(s) . ) xx

Today's song is; never knew by The Rocket Summer

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