Chapter One

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"Faith..." Someone's calling me. A woman bellows my name over and over again. "Faith... Faith..."

Why is she crying out to me?

One last clamor is heard. Then, the voice ceases. Funny how I find myself rather longing for that loving tone. I look around me. I see nothing. I see no one. Of course, inside this dark cage, no one ever cares anymore. My heart aches, and my eyes are starting to sting...

Please call my name again. Please...

"FAITH!" My eyes shoot open. I gasp for air. Rough shivers run down my spine, and I wince in pain as I desperately wipe the freezing cold water off my bloodshot eyes. I jerk up my head to take a look at my perpretrator.

"Mom! What did you do that for?" My mother, a cowgirl-looking Texas girl, smirks before throwing a towel at me.

"Well, ya won't wake up! I keep calling your name, I budge you here and there, but it don't work on ya. I had to do, what I had to do." She crosses her arms. "So I dumped my back-up bucket of iced water on, yo, face." She says with her adorable accent.

Note the sarcasm.

My door shuffles open. My father leans at the front, and glares at his wife. He shifts his eyes toward me, apparently also dripping wet, from head to toe. My mom smiles cheekily. I raised a brow.

"I see why you called it back-up." I roll my eyes as I wrestle out of my wet sheets. I shot her a clear  you-wash-that look. Suddenly, her expression drops. She puckers her lips and taps her feet while looking at the mess. Maybe that wasn't the best idea she've had in years.

I could hardly hear anything through the sound of my teeth chattering. Did she really have to bathe me in bed in the middle of December?

Afraid of giving out into hypothermia- I may or may not be joking, seriously, my fingers are numb- I try and limp away toward the bathroom. I twist a knob, and shut the door. Quickly, I strip off my PJs, and fill my tub.

While waiting, I turn 30 degrees to my left to look at the full-body mirror. I cover myself, gasping at the sight. Eyeing myself from head to toe, I'm not really what you would call a little girl anymore. Of course, I'm still growing physically, but with curves like these, I still wonder why I haven't had a boyfriend, yet. Oh, right. Because guys are sexual jerks.


I dive in the bath, spontaneously adapting to the warm touch of water on my skin. I just lay there like a sack of potatoes. But I don't think potatoes get nightmares... do they? Speaking of nightmares, what was this one about, again?

A pang of sadness hit me, and tears rush down my face. What, why am I...? I sink under the water, closing my eyes, and holding my breath. What's happening? Why aren't my actions mine? Panic surges through my veins. And through my closed eyes, I see a bright and inviting light.

I remember... I hear myself talking in my head, but I don't. I don't remember. Remember what? I remember... it echoes. Anxiety sweep over me. I feel bubbles of precious air escape my lips. Remember what! I remember... The voice eerily similar to mine, whispers again. Just remember...

Invisible amongst the surrounding waters, I let a tear drip when I felt the helplessness. I can't remember. I can't... I just can't. I sob out the final air lurking in my lungs. I can't...

I can't breathe.


A/n: Heyaaaa!!! At last, I've updated!! Wooohoo!!! I hope you enjoyed this one. :)) Please PROCOTAN!! Promote, Comment, Vote, & FAN!!!! Only if you enjoyed this! Did you enjoy this??? *insert pleading eyes here* Did ya???????????????

Hey, how would you like a mom like hers? :DD I would. But I wouldn't trade my mom for another. I love my mother. She makes me happy, sad, angry- she makes me completely human. :") Do YOU love your mom??? If you don't then maybe you should learn to. It's always a priviledge for both giving and receiving sides, when it comes to loving. It's good for the SOUL!!! <3

Happy comments and more votes for faster upload? :"))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2012 ⏰

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