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Well I've made it through one week at South Side without dying so I think I'll be okay. It was mostly thanks to Toni though who told what to do and what not to do. Who to talk to and who not to talk to. She's actually not that bad once you get to know her and I know I shouldn't but today I'm going to hang out with her and her friends at their hangout place. It sounds kind of fun so I thought I'd try it out.

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I'm on my way to meet Toni.
It's Betty.
Betty: Hey Juggy. Do you want to come over today? I haven't seen you much this week.

Me: Sorry babe I'm a little busy right now. Maybe I'll come over later tonight

Betty: Great I'm looking forward to it. Love you😘

Me: Love you

I know I shouldn't keep stuff from her but I know she wouldn't approve of me going here. She doesn't even know Toni exists. I'm not really sure why I haven't told her about Toni. It's not like I like Toni or anything. We're just friends, so I don't know why...

I told Archie about her and he thinks I should tell Betty because there's nothing going on between me and Toni. He said that Betty isn't petty so I shouldn't be worried. So why am I...?


I don't know why but I get the feeling Jughead is hiding stuff from me. He usually tells me what he's doing if he's busy and can't hang out.

I decided to invite Veronica over and maybe vent to her about all of this. I'm probably just overreacting, but I need to see what she thinks. One of the many things Veronica was good at was girl talk.

We were sitting in my room. She was sitting at my white vanity and I was sitting on my bed.

"So what do you wanna talk about B? I can tell something is bothering you."

"Well it's Jughead."

"What about him?"

"I just get the feeling that he's hiding something from me."
Veronica's eyes switched from me to the floor.

"Why would he hide something from you?" she kept her eyes trained on the floor.

"Why won't you look at me?"

She slowly brought her head up and looked at me.

"What do you know?" now Veronica was hiding stuff from me?

She quickly got up and sat by me on the bed.
"Look B I just found out about it myself. I was going to tell you, but I didnt know how to bring it up."

"What is it?"

"Archie just told me this morning. At South Side Jughead made a new friend named Toni Topaz."

"So why would he hide some guy from me? Is he really hot or something?"

Veronica hesitates, "Toni is a girl..."

I'm sleechless. So was Jughead cheating on me? I clinch my fists and my fingernails dig into my hands.


So it turns out the place Toni and her friends like to hang out is a small bar. The lighting is really dim, there's a pool table, and a lot of underage drinking.

"So this is kind of cool...I guess." I say to Toni as we sit down at the bar.

"Eh, it could use some new lightbulbs and a few floorboards here and there, but I think that gives the place a really badass feel, you know."

"Yah. Really badass." It wasn't really badass. There was a lot of cigarette smoke in the air and it was buring my eyes.

"Want a beer?" Toni asks me, as she takes a drink of her own beer.
Could I? I was underage, but was it really that big a deal here? It was just one beer.

"Yeah sure. I'll have a beer."

She motions the bartender to comeover. "I'll have another beer."

Before I know it there's a beer in front of me.

And before I know it there's another...and another.

"Are you having a good time baby?" Toni asks me, placing her hand on my cheek.

I put my hand on hers, "You bet I am. I feel great."

"I bet you do."

I laugh and get out of my chair, "I need to uuuse the johnn."

Toni gets out of her chair, "Your not going anyhwere right now."
Before my brain has time to realize what's happening Toni grabs my shirt and pulls me too her....and she kisses me.
It goes on for a few seconds and then I hear a loud bang and the sensible part of my brain starts working. I push her away.
"What are you doing?!" I scream at her.

"What do you think?" she asks and tries to kiss me again.
I back up. "I have a girlfriend that I really love, Toni!"

"Oh Miss Perfect Betty. The girl next door. Give me a break you two are never going to last. Now get a grip and kiss me."

"Get away from me! Don't ever fucking talk about Betty and mines relationship. You don't know shit about us."

I storm out of that dumbass bar and don't plan on coming back. I need to find Betty and tell her everything.


After Veronica told me that, I found FP and asked him if he knew any serpent hangouts that high schoolers went to and he gave me a lead so I'm on my way to a divey bar a few blocks from South Side High.

When I get to it I almost think it's the wrong place. It looks like an abandoned house but I hear music and other unspeakable sounds coming out of it so I decide to open the door.

What I see makes my heart stop.
Jughead Jones, my boyfriend, is kissing someone and its not me.

I slam the door and run. I run and run. Soon it starts raining and my tears mix with the water.
I dont know how long I ran for, but by now I'm just walking and its dark.


I must not have not been watching where I was going. I almost fell but the arms of someone caught me. I regained my balance.

"Are you okay Betty?"

"Yah I'm fine sorry I must not have been watching where I was going."
I look up and see the familiar face of a certain red head.

What do you guys think?

Thanks for reading!!😘💕💗💞

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