send help, people deserve rights

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i cannot possibly explain how angry i am right now. i've had another fight with my parents about trans rights. their whole standpoint is that "trans people are too expensive" and "they aren't the same as normal men and women"

what the fuck?

i'm not going to rant on here like i have been irl, but i will say, if you think anything similar to that please leave now. trans people deserve equality, they are just as human as the rest of us. being part of the lgbt+ community, i know that oppression exists, but this is ridiculous. what does a sexual organ have to do with your loyalty to the united states? absolutely nothing.

i'm so tired of trump's lies and bullshit. why do people like him? someone please explain it to me. i can't even begin to comprehend why people would like a man that abuses women and takes away freedoms and rights from innocent people?

okay enough political shit.

friendly reminder that i adore you and appreciate you. stay strong friends, we'll get through this together. i'm here if you need anything, i care about you.

thanks <3 ily

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