Chapter 5: Cause for Unification

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Uma raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, “What makes you think I'm interested in anything you have to offer?”

Mal pouted mockingly and turned to leave, “ I guess you don't want to get off the Isle, oh well…”

Mal threw Harry's hat back to him and was almost at the door when Uma called her back over. Smirking she turned around but remained where she stood.

“In case you've forgotten princess, but your beastie boy is going to bring us over next.”

Mal narrowed her eyes at the mention of Ben, anger getting the best of her as her eyes glew bright.

“He isn't my anything,” Mal huffed, “The reason I came back was to help you because he isn't bringing you over. He lied.”

She then proceeded to explain how they were just an experiment that he deemed a failure, eyes glowing the entire time as her anger made itself known through trickles of green magic surrounding her.

They watched in awe as Mal continued with her story, they'd never seen magic performed on the Isle before because of the barrier which left everyone questioning how she could even use her magic.

“So what do you say?” Mal asked impatiently, feeling stir crazy.

She soon became annoyed when everyone just continued to stare at her without making a sound.

“Now is not the time, so listen to my rhyme. You have something you seek, so open your mouth and speak.” Mal chanted while her hand made the gestures to cast the spell.

The first one to speak was Harry, “Well, well darling how'd ya manage to use your magic?”

“There's a crack in the barrier thanks from when I crossed back over.”

Uma was next to speak, “What do you get out of helping us? After all, you were supposed to become queen.”

In response she walked forward and stick her hand out for Uma to shake, “You can take the girl out of the Isle, but you can't take the Isle out of the girl.”

Mal didn't let it show but deep down it bothered her that she was almost queen. She was no queen. She was Mal, the girl from the Isle. The one who loved to spray paint and yell at people when they bothered her. The girl who didn't care about the expectations and judgements of others.

She may have tried to bury who she was but she was done doing so. It was time to do what she'd always wanted to do; for herself and for everyone trapped on the Isle.

Mal is going to break the barrier. She waited patiently as Uma slowly reached out and shook her hand.

Mal corrected her earlier thought, she is not going to break the barrier.

They all are.

Descendents: Saving the Isle #DescendantsAwards2017 (Under Revision)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن