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Once in my office he closed the door behind him. I sat down behind my desk

"What's up?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"She's my mate." I said and he looked at me surprised

"That's great" he whispered

"No it's not" I said standing up I then turned around looking out my widow I am looking at the woods. I can picture myself running feel the ground underneath my paws.

"What do you mean she's your mate!" Scott said

"She's human!" I said turning around

"That's not what it feels like, something is off about her." Scott said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"They doctors said she ended up in the hospital because she crashed her bike, but when they found her they said something bit her, they said the bite matched the bite of a wolf" he said

"So you think she was bitten?" I asked

"That's exactly what I am saying" he said

"It couldn't have been any of us" I said

"Rogue, the cent of the wolf is unfamiliar we could go looking" he said

"Alright let everyone know" I said and he nodded

"Will you be joining us?" He asked and

"No, I'll stay here with her" I said and he nodded then left

Ava's P.O.V

I step out of the shower I quickly wrap my hair up in the towel I then dry my self off, I get dressed she gave me a dead pool pj pants and a dead pool t-shirt I then let my hair down I'm lucky my hair is naturally straight I walk back into my room I looked out the window and I see that the sun is setting. Next thing I knew my stomach started to growl I grabbed my phone and I headed down stairs and into the kitchen.

I looked around but I didn't find anything

"Hungry?" I heard someone say I then jumped. I turn around to see Frederick.

"Uh yea" I said

"Chinese?" He asked and I nodded

"What do you like?" He asked

"Shrimp and rice with lobster sauce please" I asked and he smiled. He then took out his phone and called up the Chinese food please

"Hello, yes can I have the shrimp and rice with lobster sauce, and some sesame chicken" he said

"Alright thanks" he said then hung up

"Well, do you like your room?" He asked and I nodded.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked again

"Not to people I don't really know." I said I took a step but suddenly I slip and he catches me I then gasp and I stiffen up


He lifted up my shirt to expose my back and took his belt and started to hit my bare back with it. I screamed at the pain of it.

Flashback over

I quickly backed away. My eyes widen

"Ava are you okay?" He said but I couldn't say anything. I wanted to but I couldn't I then ran for the front door once I made it outside the cool air that hit my skin felt great I was able to breath again.

"Hey Ava." I heard him say

"I'm fine!" I said

"You don't look fine" he said and I turned to face him

"I said I'm fine" I snapped I then walked back inside the house but he stopped me by grabbing my arm I stiffened again. I quickly yanked my arm away, and I walked away.

I sat in the living room. I felt so weird when he touched me. Like something felt right. I'm not sure what it is.

"Food is here." I heard him say I turn around to see him holding a bag of Chinese food. I sat at the island that is in the kitchen he placed my food in front of me he handed me a fork I opened my food and I began to eat

It was silent as we ate.

"So you have a bike?" He asked

"Yea, my friend found it and going to fix it up for me" I said once I fished chewing my food.

"What kinda bike is it?" He asked

"It's a Harley 2017" I said

"Brand knew bike hun must of been expensive" he asked and I nodded

"If I may ask why did you run from your last family?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"Reasons you wouldn't understand" I said

"Try me?" He said at this point I started to get annoyed

"Like I said you wouldn't understand it's non of your business anyway so drop it!" I said I then got up and I grabbed my phone and went back into my room I closed my door and I flopped on my bed

Next thing I knew was my phone went off

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey it's Alex, so we found a place that is 15 minutes away from the place your staying at right now" he said

"That's good" I said

"We already brought it and we move in tomorrow you think we can move in then, I can't they want to take me shopping tomorrow to get clothes and school stuff" I said

"School stuff?" He questioned

"They are sending me to school" I sighed

"We are going to" he said

"No I don't want you guys to do that, I need you guys to look after things while I'm not there no school for you, guys I need you to take care of the deals and everything make sure things run smoothly" I said

"Alright" he said

"Btw I fixed up your bike their wasn't slot of damage I just replaced the mirror that broke so your good" he added

"Thanks so much" I said

"Good night ava come back soon" he said

"Goodnight Alex" I said and hung up and I went to sleep


I screamed when it bite down on my side. I cried it was to much pain, what was worse I felt his teeth slowly pull out from my skin which made me scream and cried even more

End of flashback

I felt pain all over my body I looked up at the moon my teeth started to hurt I felt my bones break and re-break, my whole body was sweating I fell to the ground my knees gave in and I felt them break and re-break to. I screamed in pain next thing I knew it was all over everything went quite

I stood up and I walked but I didn't see feet I saw paws white paws....

Hey guys new chapter I hope you like it vote, comment, follow, share. I hope you like the bike I picked out for Ava it is down below 🔽

Cheers guys

Ava's bike 🔽

Ava's bike 🔽

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