16 (ava and ariel messages)

229 8 0

Ariel- italics
Ava- bold

what's up?

wow, really? that's all you can say?

what do you mean?

i asked to hang out with you and you ditched me for someone else. you chose her over your best friend. wtf

first of all, you asked me to hang out and i told you i was busy. second, i did not ditch you. i already had plans with rose.

she's so irrelevant anyway, like how do you choose her over me?

i didn't "choose her" over you, she made plans with me before you asked to hang out. jealous much?

lmaooo, i'm not jealous. i'm your best friend, if i asked to hang out, then you should've hung out with me.

newsflash: i'm not gonna drop plans with my friends just cause you think i should. cameron is like my brother, if he had asked me to hang out but i already had plans with you, would you have want me to just drop you? no, i didn't think so.

lmao okay whatever, i see how it is. fine hang out with rose all you want, see if i care

obviously you do care cause you're so butthurt over it

i just thought that maybe my BEST FRIEND would want to hang out with me, considering she lives 1000 miles away but i guess not.

now you're making it seem like i don't wanna hang out with you, which is not true.

sure doesn't seem like you do

you know what whatever. why don't you text me when you realize how stupid you're acting

or how about i don't text you at all

fine, then. if you're ready to just throw our friendship out the door so easily.

goodbye ava

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welp, that happened.

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