8. (bold- a)

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avasrealones: omg hey!

avastagg: hey girl!

so you wanna meet up?

yeah, you seem really chill and you always defend me, plus i love meeting fans :)

aww thank you! and i hate it when people call you names. like you didn't even do anything. its not your fault that mario commented out of nowhere.

yes exactly! thank you. do you live near the city?

yes i do. when and where should we meet up?

how about russ and daughters tomorrow around say 3:15?

okay sounds good! can't wait to meet you! oh and sorry in advance if i make a complete fool out of myself tomorrow.

haha it's okay, i understand. see you tomorrow!


i've updated waaay to many times today lmao but i think i will go to ten and stop.

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