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"I couldn't do that to you, you wouldn't be able to control your thirst" Harry told me whilst holding my hands "But I want you too, You could help me, I told you, you don't have to be alone anymore, We have each other so stop pushing me away" I said standing up and pacing in our bedroom. "I've given up almost everything for you Harry, My home, My friends. All I have left is my innocence and I want you to take that too" I said feeling a pair of hands on my waist spinning me around.

"If I do this, You won't be the same person, You'll have a different personality and I don't want to change a single thing about you" he whispered into my ear lifting my face up with his thumb on my chin. He rested his forhead onto mine. We stared into each others eyes. "Ok, How about we talk about this later?" I offered not completly forgetting about this situation. "Ok but right now we really need to go feed, so lock the doors behind us" Harry warned me as we ran downstairs.

"Hurry up back" I spoke pecking Harry's lips before they all disappeared. I walked into the front room, turning on the television. There was two of my favourite shows on either 'New Girl' or 'The Big Bang Theory'. I decided on watching 'TBBT', I loved Sheldon so much. I heard a bang from the front door. Harry always told me to never open the door when they went out, but the banging got louder. I ran upstairs and ran inside my wardrobe grabbing a knife on the way. I sat the holding the knife in my petite freckled hands. I heard a loud bang from downstairs like a door coming off its hinges.

Harry Help, someones inside our house. I tried to send a message to Harry, I left my phone downstairs so I couldn't call him. I started to shake, my breathing raised even more. There was light coming in through the wardrobe as I saw a man standing infront of me "Gotcha... Guys shes in here" The tanned man shouted to more men. He dragged me out of the wardrobe by my hair. I landed on the floor. Four more men came running into my bedroom. Two of the men were from this morning. "Remember us princess" The bald one seethed.

The next thing I knew was that I was losing a lot of blood, Too much.

Harry's P.O.V

Harry Help, someones inside our house. What?! Wanted. "Guys we need to go back" I screamed to them. They all turned around and saw the horror and guilt in my eyes. The next thing, we ran - I speeded as fast as I could. I can't believe I left her, this is all my fault.

We finally reached our house. The door was on the floor. I ran upstairs to see Holly laying on the floor with a pool of blood around her and a note next to her. I ignored the note. There was a faint pulse, theres no way she's going to make it. She's lost too much blood. The next thing I knew I had sunked my fangs into her neck. I had to save her, I couldn't lose her, I've been waiting 897 years for her.

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