Telling parents part 2

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*Tristan's P.O.V*

The clock had just hit 12:00 and it was midnight. There I was, awake in bed next to Kaitlyn who looked flat out. I couldn't sleep, I was too busy thinking about today; because it was the day we had to tell our family about our news. I carefully sat up in bed trying not to disturb Kaitlyn. I am really nervous, what if they don't approve?

I had all these nervous thoughts running through my mind as I just stared at the walls. Sometimes I would look over at Kaitlyn to make sure that she was okay. You could tell that I cared about her. Me and Brad are both very protective of our girls. One thought crossed my mind in particular, the thought of how I used to be in a band with no girlfriend or any idea that James had a cousin, I then finally met her and her best friend, now I was becoming a dad along side Brad. I didn't imagine this would have happened, but I love Kaitlyn and I wouldn't change a thing.

After a while I didn't notice Kaitlyn had woken up until I felt a light tap on my back and a sleepy voice had spoke.

"Tris" she said sounding groggily while rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah babe?" I replied as I bent down to cuddle her.

"Why are you awake?" She questioned as she cuddled me back. She looked at the clock and added "Its twenty to one"

"I couldn't sleep, I'm sorry if I woke you up." I answered apologetically. "Go back to sleep, you'll be so tired in the morning."

She tried to sit up but I saw she was struggling, so I held out my hand for her to grab as I gently helped her to sit.

"No don't be sorry it's okay, I'll be fine. I'm here if you want to talk." She kindly commented. "What's been keeping you up?"

"The fact that we have to tell our parents about the pregnancy today" I said cringing at those words escaping my mouth.

"I know baby, I'm scared too. I don't want to tell them but we need support." She confessed as she slid down the bed a bit to lay down again as it seems more comfortable for her.

I said nothing but sighed as I laid down next to her, since I knew she was right. It would be better in the long run. After all parenting is a hard job, so people say.

"I know that it's all you can think about Tris, but if you try to not think about it, it will put your mind at ease and it will make it easier to tell them, then you won't feel as worried."

She had a very good point so I listened to her wisdom, agreed and took on her advise. She was pleased she had helped me. I could see a little smile creep on her face. I flashed the same smile back, and with that we cuddled up together and finally we drifted off, back to sleep until it became the morning.


*The morning*

As the alarm went off I woke up to broad daylight. I threw on my boxers and slipped on my orange slippers and quietly went downstairs. I made my way to the kitchen leaving Kaitlyn asleep in bed.

I got out all of the equipment I needed to make breakfast and set them aside.

After 20 minutes had passed I placed the delicious breakfast onto 2 plates, one for me and one for Kaitlyn which consisted of pancakes; except Kaitlyn's because hers had fruit on the side and her pancakes were made out of whole grain flour since she couldn't eat normal ones due to her 'pregnancy diet'.

I sat them on the table in the living room and all of a sudden I saw Kaitlyn standing beside me.

"Good morning beautiful." I said with a sweet smile and kissed her firmly on the lips.

I'll be yours (Bradley Will Simpson and Tristan Evans- The Vamps band)Where stories live. Discover now