t.w.e.n.t.y s.i.x

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Pacing the floor impatiently Simon waited for Ethan to arrive. Four steps forward, spin, four steps back, four steps forward double spin... spin again and swap to a rocking motion on his heels which reminded him of the sea, so he stopped quite suddenly before his face turned green. Luckily, Ethan had appeared on the other side of the floor and made a fast paced walk in the blonds direction.

"What do we do now? Tobi's plan was ludicrous! We'd need a distraction." Simon started before Ethan had even finished walking. The blonde paused taking a deep breath and began to bite the nails on his left hand. 

Ethan practically dismissed Simon's comment on Tobi's plan, partially because it didn't seem like a bad one, it just had flaws. "Whatever they're planning we need to be one step ahead." He replied placing a hand on Simon's shoulder. "We will take Resonance down." The ginger boy said triumphantly.

"And how do you suppose we do that, hmm?" Simon didn't seem to be channelling Ethan's high spirit. "We are far from an army after loosing so many, we don't have enough resources to make strong enough weapons. What are we supposed to do?" He raised his palms then dropped them back down allowing them to slap against his thighs.

Ethan began to chew the inside of his mouth as he was stuck for an answer. "We did it before, before you came we created this place from nothing." He uttered at first as his voice slowly got stronger. "We can do it again." Ethan said it slowly and powerfully to get the idea across to Simon. "We just have to figure out how." He whispered under his breath.

"Easy." A soft voice chimed in which was easily recognisable to Simon, the voice was like sweet venom to him. Soft and beautiful, but his weakness above all.

Simon didn't want Jorja to get involved, he kept telling himself that she would only go behind everyone's back and do it her way putting lives in danger, even though it was true he also really didn't want her to get hurt. "Go away Jorja, this doesn't involve you." Simon hummed bluntly without turning around to face her.

However, Jorja didn't listen to Simon, she continued to walk closer, the sound of her boots against the rocky floor indicating how close she was to the blonde before he felt her small hands approach the back of his neck grazing their way all the way around until she was at his side. Jorja was playing with him. "Well, if you want me to go away, I will." She giggled softly. "I may have the answer sitting right on the tip of my lips, but I guess I'll just leave you boys to continue scratching your heads like baboons." The brunette giggled again before lifting her hand off the side of Simon's neck and turned on her heel to begin walking away.

Letting out a large breath Simon grabbed onto Jorja's wrist to stop her from leaving, she stopped suddenly and her small frame tightened as if she was afraid. "Jorja," He sighed causing her to jump slightly. Simon had called her name so softly tears came to her eyes as she started to feel her love for Simon start to come rushing back. However she closed her eyes tightly forcing back the feelings and turned back around calmly like nothing happened. "Please," Simon paused looking towards Ethan who nodded for him to continue, "we need all the help we can get." He pleaded softly and quietly.

Jorja could no longer keep the smirk on her face any longer. Her bad ass facade was faltering all because she was still in love with Simon Minter, her eyes softened seeing Simon's struggle, the sweat was pooling all around his face like he had just run a marathon. "Okay, Simon I'll help you." She whispered helplessly.

A breathy laugh escaped Simon's lips, "Thankyou." He smiled feeling slightly more relieved, he could see Jorja coming back to herself again and he was prepared to make sure she did.

   Suddenly his vision became blurred and he wasn't sure whether he could stand up any longer, his lungs tightened and his breathing was shallow as he dropped to his knees trying to get a larger amount of air into his lungs.

"Simon!" Ethan yelled as he pressed his hands onto the blondes back and chest holding him up. The blondes eyes closed and opened slowly as he struggled to remain consciousness.

   Jorja held his cheeks gently trying to keep him awake, "Simon! Can you hear me?" She called loudly trying to hide her shaky voice. Letting her hand slip from his left cheek to his chest, Simon's head dropped as if he was dead although he was breathing. "Come on! We need to get him to lay down he's on fire!" She nodded to Ethan who was already helping to lift him up onto his feet.

   The two aided him off his knees and struggled to carry him as they were much shorter than Simon, Jorja more so. He swayed from side to side coughing so much that he would almost collapse again if Jorja and Ethan didn't keep him upright.

   Stumbling into the room the two practically threw Simon towards a bed, he crawled into the mattress as a fit of coughs took over his system. This time he was struggling to catch oxygen and began to wheeze. Jorja rolled him onto his side and snatched a bucket that wasn't too far away and set it down below Simon's head. She began rubbing his back comforting him she kept her voice as soft as possible. "You'll be okay Simon, you will get better." 

   He coughed louder and deeper until eventually bile and blood spluttered out his mouth and into the bucket. Simon groaned in pain as what was mixed with saliva hang from his lips which were now stained with blood. 

   Ethan knelt down beside Jorja with a small bowl of water and a moderately clean rag which he soaked in the water and began to wipe his face and leaving his mouth till last before rinsing the rag out and repeatedly dabbing his forehead as he lay back in the makeshift cot. 

  In a bed on the other side of the room that was concealed by white sheets to make a curtain, Vik sat up heading over to the commotion he spoke clearer than he had since he returned. "Oh god."

Survive  ~Tobi Brown~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora