bonus part : hyungwon's pov (pt.4)

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someone knocks the door. she gets up from her seat and walk to the door.

the moment she opens the door, appear wonho in drenched condition. he put his forehead on her shoulder and nearly hug her.

"oh, why is wonho here?" ashley mumbled.

she is struggling to get off from him, it can be seen clearly from afar.

i can't hold it anymore, and quickly run to them.

spontaneously, i land my fist on him and make him fall down immediately.

wonho quickly gets up, "yah, hyungwon, why are you involved too?"

suddenly, he gives counter attack and hurt my lips.

"you jerk, who are you to do that? i told you to protect her!!! not to break her heart!" i shouted and walk closer to him.

he laughs, "do you even look at yourself? when you left her, you have already broken her heart!!"

i fall silent, it's kinda true though.

"stop it!! don't fight, especially in this house"

the loud voice from behind stops us. i'm sure it's kihyun's. i sigh and walk back to my room.


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