CHAPTER 2.....

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Have you ever looked around and felt like the tinniest bit of particle.

Like everyone's eyes are fully undressing you with judgment and assumption..u guessed it right. That's exactly how i feel right now.

Count i had to tell him who I was like we are in highschool, why, because the professor does not like distractions during his lecture and emphasis on he does not tolerate tardiness.

I rolled my eyes as I took a seat as fast as i could not caring where exactly i sat.

I took a once over the room that was technically too big to be called one... It was more of a hall crescent rows and long elongated windows . it felt like i was getting ready to watch an opera.

The professor  turned to his projector continuing with his lesson before eyeing me like I was trouble. He must have not known I was new in this school.
Then again i don't expect to carry a board written 'new girl' around.

As he continued teaching I knew at least this small time will calm my racing mind.

I was majoring a course in 3D animation. I had a passion for it from the day i discovered the artiste in me....

Yap,I am that girl who would rather stay a whole hour secluded and alone drawing my heart out than engage in small talk amongst friends.

My imagination always got the best of me once I held a blank paper. Holding a pen and just starting a simple curve, always led to me  looking back at the end result and wondering , did I just do that?

I remember when we were moving in, I stayed up all night drawing on my bedroom walls. It ended up looking amazing . now every time I sleep and switch off my lights I look up my neon walls and the glow in the dark markings makes the feel cosy.

I  am a petite girl.. I have butt-length dreadlocks that are neatly placed, i always  like putting them in a  bun considering how hot I feel when they cover my neck.

I had not realised I had been zoned out while playing with one lock until the person seated next to me shifted slightly,trying to get in a comfortable position that i remembered i was not alone in the lecture room.

For the last half hour my eyes had not left the professor.  You would think i was listening keenly and  hanging on every word that came from the short lean man in front of me but reality check says i had not even heard a word that he had said.

'Love the locks where did you have them made?" she whispered leaning towards me with her minty breathe.

I turned my head towards my new deskie and was met with a black haired girl. Her charming British accent made her look even more adorable. She had glasses that looked fashionable someone would think she wore them to flow with her attire than to really help her read. She had full pink lips wow did she look gorgeous. We were the same shoulder length so i assumed we were the same height.
She had chubby cheeks and the red summer dress she had worn seemed to fit her nicely.

My mind then drifted to how much i hate dresses and how i was teased back in highschool for wearing like a tomboy.

Just because i prefer shorts to skirts and jeans to dresses doesn't mean am not a girl or that i can't be girlie. It didn't help that i also had dreadlocks, it made me look so boyish sometimes, especially when they were down. At least Caleb was honest enough to tell me so. Let's face it, we girls want to hear 'honest' opinions .

Am I right....

All the more reason why i tie them up, to showcase my girl features including my earrings and round face.

This is college i needed a good first impression.

"That is if you don't mind me asking," the girl asked bringing me back from my reverie.

Speaking of first impression..

I tried to give her a reply but the only thing that came from my mouth was a sigh i was not holding.

My insecurities from highschool were catching up to me. I don't think I want a friend, but it won't hurt to try, besides its a new me, right....


Heyy guys it me again... If you have read till here you don't know how happy that makes me..please vote , comment,and pour your heart out for this book.luv u guys.

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