turned into a monster and being saved

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As soon as I got in the car with the man in the suit I already had a bad feeling but whenever I got to the place he was taking me things got worse everyone that was there was a scientist I met Jugo jet and he had me look in a window in the window I saw a bunch of scientists crowded around a table and it looked like there were dissecting something but it was random everything they did every swipe of the exacto knife it was all random and then they all backed away and what I saw almost made me want to throw up I saw a kid with black hair on the table blood all over the place but somehow it looked like he didn't even care and soon he sat himself up and all his wounds started to heal I don't care he was going to be fine that's cruel and then Jugo said "yes that's my son, Kuro isn't he just the best test subject and soon my boy you'll be just as strong as he is except there will be a slight difference take him away" I couldn't believe what this bastard was saying he's using his own son for experimentation kind of sick fuck do you have to be to do that

Time skip

I was sitting there in the middle of a Lab and I can already tell you who is right next door to me that's right the same black haired boy I saw before but he wasn't the only one that was different I had my arms and legs replaced thank God they didn't get any of the other parts of me wouldn't let them I said if they tried I would bust out the first chance I get but even now I still consider myself a monster there ain't going to be nothing else but a monster though they did let me watch TV they even kept tabs on mukuro and junko junko became a fashionista and Mukuro became a joined a group called fenrir (sorry if I butchered that) and I was happy that junko finally got two get a job where she can express her Joy of fashion and Mukuro got to join something that was close to the Army as I sat there I heard a boom I was going to go check it out but I heard a big thud I look behind me to see a big hole in the wall I walk out of it to see a note 'Y/N meet us at the airport' I don't know why but I trust this person so I made my way to the airport

Small time skip

I made it to the airport to see two faces I was so happy to see I saw Mukuro and Junko I was so happy that I could cry so I ran over to them and said "it's so good to see you guys again"

Junko's POV

'Man he's got even hotter I can't wait to see what he can do after all these years' Junko thought

Mukuro POV

'Man I am so happy that he's here' Mukuro thought


Junko spoke first "Y/N we have come to talk to you about two important things one we want you to join us in or quest of ultimate despair we want to turn this world into a flaming pit of pain but to do that we need followers you understand so while I'm off doing my modeling thing and Mukuro is out fighting I want you to travel around the world joining fight tournaments whatever makes you happy just whatever you do you must and I mean must get in to Hope's Peak Academy so will you, will you join in our fun little game to bring the world to Despair and turn it to ash"

Yes I can finally get back at those bastards that turned me into a monster the ones whose head director used his own son for experiments, I can make this world burn but we stand atop of utopia of despair well all of them scramble at their feet me, junko, and Mukuro shall stand proud while we watch the world burn "yes I'll help in any way I can I want to watch this world burn" we all smile as we walk to in the airport

And that's it hope you enjoyed by

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