The first and Last A/N I will have

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There has been this one person. I tried to see if people made X reader's, and no one did. Who is this person?

Ethan Wacker

I told my friend, I will do anything for someone to make a Ethan Wacker x Reader.

I sound like I'll die if theres no Ethan Wacker x Reader. I just really want to read one. Like what I told my friend, I will do anything. I'll add your Character to my book, or even give you a bunch of shoutouts. This is not a competition, I was just wondering if someone would be able to make a Ethan Wacker X Reader. It's fine if there's none, I just wanted to tell all of my followers that I have been searching for a Ethan Wacker X Reader.

Have a nice day/night!


With all my heart (Cedric Diggory X Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now