Insulted, Hookfang snorted steam on his Rider. 'I'm not the only one boy,' he growled in annoyance.

"Guys," Astrid got their attention, "It's pretty obvious that Hiccup have been driving himself tired to distract himself from the fact that he had to let Toothless go."

"I get why," Kari understood.

"Well," Astrid sighed, "Last night I suggested that he should go for a flight to relax. But...Hiccup said that he isn't going to fly anymore!"

"What!?" Andres gasped, "But...he's Hiccup! He's all about dragons! He can't not fly!"

"That's what I said," Astrid patted her dragon when came over, "but won't take it. We're going to find him a new dragon."

"We?" Ruffnut asked.

"Yes, we," Astrid smiled, "We will each find and bring back a dragon for him. But don't let him know. I want it to be a surprise."

"Well," Snotlout boasted, "I know the perfect dragon for him! Come on Hookfang! We'll take that bath later."

"Maybe you should take it now," Tuffnut held his nose as Snotlout walked passed. "You know," he turned to his sister, "Since Hiccup has been so tired lately he should have two dragons."

"Good idea!" Ruffnut climbed onto Barf.

Snotlout and the twins left to look for a dragon to give their Chief. The others then left to so the same.


Snotlout and Hookfang flew through the air. Snotlout scanned the Berk forest below. 'What dragon do you have in mind?' Hookfang asked.

Suddenly, a loud roar of a Monstrous Nightmare echoed out from the forest. "Ah ha" Snotlout cheered, "There's one! Down Hookfang!"

They landed and Snotlout slid off his dragon. He walked around; the forest went quiet. "Hm?" Snotlout couldn't understand where the dragon could have gone, "You go that way Hookfang. I'll go this way."

They separated; Hookfang sniffed the ground. It wasn't three minutes later when Hookfang heard the Nightmare roar again and Snotlout scream. As he turned around Snotlout ran passed him; the butt of his pants on fire. "I FOUND THE DRAGON!" Snotlout screamed.


Andres and Stormtwister flew above the open ocean. "What Hiccup needs is a Thunderdrum," Andres explained, "Not only will it give him a new dragon to ride, but it'll also be a little reminder about Stoick. You know, keep him going if he ever feels sad."

'Thoughtful idea,' Stormtwister noted, 'But do you even know how to train a Thunderdrum?'

"It can't be that hard," Andres scanned the ocean, "Stoick trained one."

'Oh boy,' Stormtwister sighed.

They flew for a few minutes, then dove under the water. Andres, who held his breath tightly, smiled when he spotted one. "Alright," Andres coughed after they surfaced, "Now how do we get him to come up?"

'Why not just ask him?'

"I know!" Andres didn't hear his dragon, "Blast around him; get his attention."

Stormtwister just looked at his Rider. 'Okay,' he groaned, 'I'm going to need to talk to the twins after this. You've spent too much time around them.' Stormtwister did as Andres wanted. Then they waited. And waited. Suddenly, the Thunderdrum exploded out the water; anger in it's face. He let out a sonic roar right at the two boys.


It was late in the day; Hiccup had just finished his work and was fixing up Stormy's pen. When he suddenly felt cold; this phantom chill even made his bones shiver. He looked around, everything seemed normal. "Hey," he looked at a little Terrible Terror, "Do you feel cold at all?"

'No,' the dragon shook his head, 'Warm as ever.'

Hiccup stood there; confused. Maybe it was just him? The Night Mountain; where he left Toothless; was a cold place. Maybe he was just imagining the coldness? But that didn't explain the feeling he got earlier; which he was now feeling again. He looked out to see, nobody. "Hm...maybe Astrid was right," Hiccup sighed as he got back to work on the pen, "Maybe I am overworking myself."

As Hiccup worked with his back to the ocean the feeling grew stronger; as if whoever he was sensing was getting closer. He didn't know it at the time; but he would soon meet this mysterious individual.

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