So, telling him would utimately end up with him freaking out. And that wasn't good for the babies. 

I sighed loudly once again, rubbing my face roughly. Leon was still looking at me, watching me with careful eyes as Michelle brought us out into the beautiful white-sand beach. It was a scorching hot afternoon, a little over three o'clock, and I was wearing a goddamned suit along with dress shoes on the beach.

Could this get any fucking worse?

"And here we are! This room is the largest of what we have. And this, of course, is equipped with the most beautiful background of all. The beach!" Michelle raised her hands in excitement as we entered the room in silent admiration. "I'll give you a moment to take it all in. In the meantime, I'll just get a few papers I forgot to bring with me."

Honestly, I didn't notice leave through the other door. I was too busy taking in the sight of the possible place I was going to marry Leon in. And it was breath-taking.

The whole place looked like those out of a fairy tale or movies. It seemed like it could house almost 150 guests, the entire place just decorated in white lillies which of course was Leon's favorite flowers. The structure was all wooden except the floor, marble covering every inch magnificently. The aisle was long and two-feet wide, adorned with a red carpet from the hall to the end where the preacher would be standing. A grand piano and a harp sat side by side in the corner of the room, carefully situated in the deep corner as they hid under a black fabric,

However, it wasn't just those sights that caught my eye. It was the view up ahead.

Unlike the floor that would house the guests, the platform where couples would be wed was elevated by a good five to six steps. The back of the preacher was open and the beautiful ocean line was the background. Not a cheap replication or an image, it was the real rolling waves of the waters.

The place just seemed perfect for us. Like, it was made for the both of us. 

"It's beautiful." Leon muttered, pulling away from me as he checked the vases filled with lillies at the back of the aisle. I smiled at him, completely smitten with the adoring look he had in his eyes as he rubbed his stomach. 

Tearing my gaze away from him, I looked back up. The aisle just begging me to walk on it so I could see the beautiful that decorated the front of the place. With every step I took on the plush carpet, grains of sand falling, my heart thumped wildly. I carefully got up the stairs, taking one good look at the backdrop before I faced the empty seats.

And as if Leon felt my gaze, he turned to me, two lillies in his hand at the end of the aisle. My heart started beating crazily, the sight of his loose hair swaying softly in the wind of the open venue. He had an uncertain smile on his face, his cheeks tinting magnificently as he looked at me quietly.

"Leon. Come to me." I said loud enough so that he could hear me. My heart was thrumming in my ears, my chest constricting at the sight of Leon in his pale pink dress holding two lillies.

Oh, god. 

Slowly, Leon took one step towards me. His hands lowered themselves to his stomach as he walked towards me. I suddenly started hearing the wedding march being played on the grand piano. Leon looked like he had heard the tune as well, his steps becoming rhythmic and well-timed as I stood and watched him take his time to reach me.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

It felt like time had stood still at that exact moment when Leon was just a few steps away from the platform. My throat suddenly felt raw and dry, my heart just begging to be released from its confines. I felt my palms start to sweat as I reached a hand out to him, painfully waiting for him to reach my hand so he could climb the steps.

When The Stoic Meets The Crossdresser (BoyxBoy/MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now