Chapter 9 - The Blank Chit (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Umm...I can't tell you exactly, but I think it's because, like, as I said they are always there; in our life almost all the other stuff we see has a possibility of misplacing somewhere and we might lose them. But those stars, even if one dies, there are a million more, so you are never out of stars. And moreover, they stay there and even if they don't talk to you, they let me sense some kind of, you know, some kind of bonding. I really don't know what is it, but it's there. Like you just know that it exists."

"Yes, absolutely. That bonding comes from 'Faith' or you could say 'Belief'. Faith and belief over those stars that they are your so called true companions."

"Yeah, I guess you are right. You talk like Rishi."


"Rishi...oh wait, you don't know him, well, no one does actually."

"Okay." He said and he smiled. With those wholesome grins on our faces, he continued gazing the stars and I stared the blank piece of paper yet once again.

The blank chit was in front of my eyes. And then I kept it aside. The sky was clear then and I felt nice about it. Whenever I felt lonely or something, I looked up at the stars and I felt good. It's because, they are always up there and they don't leave you. We don't realize that sometimes people feel bad because of us. Maybe, sometimes they don't abide by what we say, or feel or think. Maybe sometimes, we also go way ahead of our limits and act as if we were right when maybe we were not. Sometimes both the people who have misunderstandings are not able to land up on similar thoughts and thus the misunderstandings continue.

"There's one common thing between all of us Manav, and that's..." Shlok said.

"Trust" I said.

"Yes! Trust is that one thing which keeps us all together." He said.

"Even the smallest cells of life, they trust each other. From microscopic beings to macroscopic ones, all are bound with trust. It's some sort of web by which we all are connected."

"Now you get it." Shlok said.

"But how come you are being philosophical and all today? I've never seen you like this."

"Even though I'm an engineer, it doesn't mean that I can't be philosophical. 'Jack of all trades master of none', I don't believe in that." He affirmed.

"Wow! Can't believe you are saying this. I'm really happy for you brother, I know you'll do well in life."

"Thanks man. And trust me, Priyanka and you, you two will be friends again."

"But how? I mean how can I be her friend again?"

"How do you feel good when you look at the stars?"

"I told you! I just feel it. Even they don't utter a word..." I said and something struck me.

"...Silence" he said. "Your silence will speak. She'll automatically come to know whether you have changed or no and then she'll accept you. Only thing you need to do is wait. Have patience."

"Hmm..." I said.

I looked at the blank chit yet once again and then I asked him,

"Hey can get few more chits?"

"Okay, but aren't these enough?"

"I want to rewrite for everyone."

"Okay." He said and he gave me few more chits. I put all my heart out and wrote all my feelings for them. After having completed writing for them, I saw the blank chit which was kept aside.

* * * * * * * *

"Okay guys, I guess you all are done writing." Shlok called out to everyone. Everyone responded 'yes' and came out into the living room. Dev arranged everyone's glasses in line on the center table. Each glass had name written on it. So everyone, took their chance and put the chit in those glasses. Finally when all were done,

"So guys, you all can take your glasses home, 'cause they are quite old and I wanted them out of this house." Shlok said.

So everyone took their glasses and we took a group photo before the main door and Franky who was still sleeping photo bombed in our picture. Then everyone hugged each other, said we had a great time today and all. Shlok got some attention as he had hosted the party and moreover he was shifting abroad. It was merry time and then it happened. The time had come when Priyanka and me were in front of each other. I could see Omkar taking pictures with Shefali and others and I was hoping that he could come and either ask me or her for a picture, but he didn't.

We both stood in front of each other and just looked at each other for few seconds. Then we had to drive our attention to something else, so that we wouldn't flow into those terrible emotions, yet once again. I drove my attention away because I knew it wasn't the best time. But the question remained – were we going to hug each other (which I felt was impossible) or at least a handshake?

Hug or handshake or nothing?

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