Chapter 6 - When they met after a long time

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"Okay, so usually I don't share my life stuff with anyone, but I want to share it with you." I said.

"Come on Manav, obviously you can." Shefali said and took a sip.

"Yeah, so, right now I'm thinking about Priyanka. Constantly, I'm thinking about her. Will she come or no? What will happen if she comes? What will happen if she doesn't?" I said. And yes, I became restless.

"See Manav, if she comes, then let everything go as per the flow. And if she doesn't, then don't worry. You may meet her some another day."

"Yes I know, but what about this restlessness?" I asked.

"Well, its normal. She was so close to you, so you are missing her right now, nothing else. Have a drink, you'll feel good." She said and she offered me a bottle. I kept it aside on the table. Because, I was into a thought. I didn't want anything to interfere in it. But later, when nothing seemed to be in a proper alignment, I took the bottle.

I looked at the bottle and thought about relativity. How one chemical inside a small one hand size bottle has the potential to create and assist the drama of my life! I grabbed that opportunity.

Clink! Went the bottle cap into a projectile motion and landed on Franky, and I locked the bottle to my lips and gulped it down my throat. It didn't take time to hit the right notes of me. I felt illuminated. My mind felt as if it was an X-Ray machine. I was able to think through every possible question I got that time. My eyes were widened. And at that specific, most critical, fortunate, amazing time she entered the living room. Yes, she finally entered the party. Priyanka came to the party! And when she entered, the first thought which came to mind was 'simply beautiful', obviously, it was due to the drink.

She took steps in slow motion, well, I felt it that way; she kept her eyes busy looking for someone who would be a nice person to talk to and spend time with for that night. And there I was, looking at her. I didn't think anything that time. Maybe for the first time, I avoided to think about anything. Only thought I was thinking was the 'Blank Thought', simply I mean is going blank.

What got my attention was her dress, her hairstyle, her makeup, her expression, her way of walking and lastly the most amazing thing happened to me that night – the time when she noticed me. It was only for I guess two seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. Now you might think 'I love her', well, no I didn't. It was just the drink.

"Oh my god!" I whispered.

"What?" Shefali said.

I looked at her at once and said,

"You can't see it, can you?"

"What are you talking about?"

I looked at Priyanka, and then focused at everyone else.

"It is a huge illusion out here. A mind illusion. They are forced to not to think. Or maybe, they decided not to think." I said.

"Manav? Are you alright?" Shefali said.

"Never felt better than this time. Tell me, how many people out here know Priyanka?"

"Umm...a lot. Few of them were in contact with her, but recently broke the touch. And left overs just know her as somebody's somebody."

"Hmm...Its sad."

"What's sad?"

"Everyone with all the everything they are up to."

"Dude, I guess you are high."

"High? I don't know. Most certainly, I'm not. By the way, what was the drink you gave me?"

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