Right here

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I've been running for so long... But this place... It doesn't end...

I saw my father enter one room and come out of another over and over again.

Maybe... I should follow his?

Red's wounds are getting infected and his breaking out in fevers... Why isn't he getting better??

Doctor- sorry kid visiting hours are over

Green- ...

Green- just 5 more minutes?

Doctor- sorry kid, don't worry he'll be here tomorrow 

Green- ...

I followed my father into the room it felt weird and I couldn't feel my body it was like I wasn't really there, I was in the hospital again but their were more people, people I didn't know. I was walking down the hall when i saw a bright light shining through the gap in a door. "What is that?" I said at I pushed it open the light was so bright I couldn't see for a moment but then I saw him... It was green "you-r... Alive" tears rolled down my checks as I stood frozen in place, my chest getting tighter. I walked over to where he was sitting next to the bed only then did I realise he was holding the hand of the person in the bed... "Is that... Me?"

Its been 2 months and I'm still just floating around unable to talk to him, unable to kiss him or even get his attention. But him just being here makes me feel better but ever night when he has to leave the pain in my chest grows unbearably but that one night I just couldn't let him leave me again...


Doctor- sorry green time to go

Green- ...

I paused and went to stand up when red grabbed my arm, sat up and screamed "DON'T GO!!!" Tears were streaming down his face as he stared at me "please... don't... go" he said softly twisting his face into a painful expression full of sorrow. Trying desperately to keep my emotions in check I began to shake as tears followed from my eyes to the the floor " *gasp... *Hic... *Hic" I dropped to my knees and began to wale, releasing all the tears and pain I have been holding onto while red lay unconscious in this small room for 2 months "I never left... *Gasp never! *Hic... *Hic...".

This Boy (Red x Green)Where stories live. Discover now