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Abdul-Basir Muhammad (17)

Yea thats my name but keep it out your damn mouth dont nobody call me that . Around here im known as BROOK cuz I run BROOKLYN,NEW YORK . But yea so im the youngest drug-lord in the whole game for now. I took over when my pops went ghost the only people that know where he is, is me nd my moms.

But yea so im 17 but ill be 18 in a couple of weeks 3 to be exact but I cant wait I already got my first tat it say "MALAYIAH" thats my mom name of corse across my chest so that's nothing to be waitin on. But im really waitin on losin my virgintity i couldve been lost it but now errbody wanna be a hoe nd got std's nd shit besides my moms said wait until im 16 or older and of course I respected her wishes. But see I was a young bull when she told me so I'm like ard as soon as I hit 16 imma be baggin hell bitches. Now it aint how it use to be.

My school its cool but I have to work so I dont make it all the times. But when I do I Come in late. Its not like I want to be this way I was born like this I mean yea the money is great but do I really wanna be known for doin stuff like this . Killing people, doin drugs, sellin marijuana, robbin banks, etc. but if thats what I have to do to take care of my mama I have to do it.

Just like any other man you dont want your woman to have to work and I definitly dont want my woman to work especially since she has put in 17 years of having me in her care. And her 9 months of carrying me and we can't forget those 14 hours of labor.

But my school like i said its cool aint no white teachers all black and some indian but thats chillin i guess. We got alot of hoes in my school wanna give up the cookies anytime anyday anywhere . But out of these hoes and behind these thots is a beautiful girl named BROOKLYN-CARTER Milan Peña but everyone calls her Carter. She shy but loud when she wanna be she is very very bipolar but I like that about her.

Moms dont know about her only because my mother gossips anything she hears,see or knows so I don't tell her that much. I don't have friends OTF that I talk to nothin more no one less . I have sisters brothers and associates then there's groupies. Because I am so we'll known I am the most popular person at my school next is Carter then Mariland then Kaseem. All together we are the most popular young bloods in Abraham Lincoln high school .

Carter Milan Peña (16)

Im not mixed with anything i am full black i have that last name because my mom dumb ass boyfriend . I dont live with anyone now i live by myself i moved out of my mothers house at the age of 14. Only because while living there her boyfriend abused me, used me, and sexually harrasad me, i would scream to my mother but she would just stare at me in disgust. I couldn't believe how ignorant she was so i planned on moving out i became a drugdealer (one of the first who stayed without getting shot for more than a month). After raising enough money to live on my own i left nd moved but not on my own i was a little scared so i stayed with my R~O~D Mariland she knew my problems and offered to help i turned her down until one day i knew i needed her help.

All of the abuse happened at the age of 13 on my 14 birthday my mother gave meh 3 new pairs of sneakers adidas,pumas,and Jordan flights. They were nice back then counting those i had 22 pairs of sneakers. Later on that night i snuck out and moved in wit Mariland and her younger brother kaseem. Their parents were home once a month i don't know why and never cared to know why.I stayed with them until word on the street was that my moms knew where i was i hiding out until now i've been livin wit my kingpin Budahh. He was real respectful of my space and of my things i even called him my pops he was homeschooling me until i became 16 then he enrolled me in Lincoln High School. Because i always wore sweats i never paid attention to the changes that my body had made when i put on my ankle skirt and crop top i noticed all this meat in the back and i also saw that i had some titties too. That's when i became cocky.

Cocky isnt technically a bad thing when you use it a certain way the way i used it was cool. I am a beauty but i hate the fact that boys and men think that i am just one of those quick jawns but im not i have never went out with anyone nd i have only kissed one person my kingpin but on the cheek. I still have my virginity and not giving it up till i know i have the right person. Since i have been at this new school people have been kind of nice some too nice and some just down right mean but its okay cuz im here for my education not to be da gossip queen. Or the talk of the locker room bitches stay hatin on me though givin me mean mugs and shit but i just brush them off cuz they

sidehoe ass,

low class ass,

basic ass ,

Dick suckin ass,

Ridin dick ass,

Stay on my top ass,

Poppin molly ass bitches like get a life and stop trynna cop mine like damn you takin my breath im trynna breathe nd these bitches right there taking that shit from me. I'm dead.

Mariland Rios Savage (17)

Like y'all know I'm Mariland the peace maker of everything that me and my gang get into i lie to get out of any situation I'm good at it too. But anyway enough bout my criminal side lets get down to business . I'm 4'10 yea I'm short but ill beat a bitch ass down in a minute I'm darkskin like a Hershey chocolate and I love tall boys, you can't be my height hell naww. You gotta be either 5'6 or up. I go to be able yo get on your back .For me to be my height I'm thick as hell I got nice sized chest nd I got a fatty thx to my dad side nd I ain't fat I'm more of a chubby slim I don't know but yea that's enough of me for now .

Kaseem Ryan Savage(16)

Yea y'all can see that me and mariland have the same last name its cause she my big sister. Even though we don't look that much alike. We don't clame each other when we go home I catch the sub and she catches the bus. so nobody will have to see that we go to the same house. But yea other then her let's talk about me. I'm 6'2 brownskinn eyebrows on fleek always only cuz Mariland be playin with them. But I been at Abraham Lincoln high school since the ninth grade and its been hell until Carter came she always settin people straight. She caught me a couple times before too but I ain't fonna trip over it.

But umm.. Yea that's pretty much it for me cuz im not really much hope you like our story

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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