31· just in case 🔹

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"KEITH, I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF THIS SHIT! YOU'RE ALWAYS ACCUSING ME OF CHEATING! I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU!" Y/n and Keith were fussing due to him thinking she was cheating on him with one of her workers.

"Fuck this shit! I'm so done!" He snatched his jacket, stomping out of the house into the rain, getting on his motorcycle. Y/n stood at the door, watching him ride off super fast in the rain. She tried to hold back her tears with her fist that held the wedding ring Keith bought her 3 years ago.

She went to lay in bed, balling herself up and falling into a deep sleep. She knew Keith would've came back around 2am. He always does this.

Keith sped off on the road on his motorcycle, 90 mph. He was so heated right now. He never put on his helmet before he left. Hearing a horn, he looked forward and saw an 18 wheeler crashing straight into his bike.

His body flew off the bike, onto the dark wet road. He lied there with no movement, feeling his spirit leave his body.

"Come home." He saw his grandmother who died 10 years ago and nodded, mentally walking towards her.

"Come home."

Y/n heard her phone ringing so she quickly got up from her slumber, answering it. She saw it was an unknown caller but still answered it.


"This is she."

"I'm on my way." She dropped her phone, changing her clothes and running out her house not even locking the door.

"Please let my baby be alright." A tear fell from her cheek as she slammed her palms on the steering wheel. She sped to the hospital, getting out and running inside.

"I'm here for Keith Powers."

"He's still in the back. If you would just have a seat in the-"

"No, I will not have a fucking seat ! My husband is hurt and-" She pointed her finger, busting into tears. She felt someone hug her body tightly. It was his brother Kevin.

"He left because we were fussing again, Kevin. I should've quit my job when he told me to." He held onto her as a doctor appeared into the room.

"The family of Keith Powers?" His mom, sister and brother stood up as he pulled away from Y/n. The doctor sighed taking off his glasses, and giving a sympathetic look.

"No, no, no."

"I'm sorry , but he didn't make it." Y/n's heart dropped into her stomach as her whole world stop. She couldn't believe it. Y/n bust out into tears, falling to the ground.

"Ahh!Noo!!! Keith! Keith!" She screamed as she got looks from other people. She didn't care at the moment. Keith was all she had. She tried to run and open the door to the other side, but Kevin got her as she kicked and screamed. He held her down as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"My baby d-i-i-ed!" She continued to cry as they bought her to the back to see him one last time. She saw him through the window and ruptured onto tears once again. Keith's mother held onto her as she cries also.

"Shh! Baby, he's in a better place now." Y/n repeatedly bawled herself off as they began to make their way out.

"He was gonna be a father!" She cried as she held onto her mother in law. 2 hours later, Keith's family drove Y/n back to their house, feeling herself fall back into a deep sleep into his old room. She lost her best friend, husband, the father of her future child. And he's just. Gone.

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