Chapter 2

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I scooted off my bed after writing a long and totally unnecessary song by myself. I felt so light headed. 

"Morning Chlo!" Niall yelled from the sofa, which he shared with Zayn and Liam. 

"Niall, it's 3 in the afternoon." I corrected him. He smiled and went back to their conversation about who knows what. 

"What do you guys want to eat?" I ask opening the fridge. 

"Nandos!" Niall yelling, jumping poorly off the couch and to the floor. We all laughed as he returned to his feet. 

"How does pizza sound?" I asked looking in the freezer. There was an echo of yeses, and I got to making it. 

"You gonna say something?" Liam said in a sort of whisper.

"No, you said you would!" Louis hollered back quietly. 

"I vote on Liam as well." Harry piped in. 

"Liam, you got to. She likes you best..." Zayn said winking at him. I felt I was needed about now, so I popped the pizza in and took a seat next to Liam. He gave me a small smile as I sat down. Zayn walked off the couch and sat on the arm of the chair Harry was in. 

"So, what's-"

"Do you wanna do a duet with one of us!?" Liam said interrupting me, grabbing his pant leg to hold his nerves. It looked like he was ready for me to say something negative. Instead, I said something incredibly dumber. 

"What?" I asked stupidly. 

"Basically," Louis started in his 'let's take it slow' voice. "Would you like to sing a song with a lovely fella of our group?" I nodded. Liam looked up at me and smiled. It's like he excepted me to say no or something totally outrageous. "Cool, we'll leave you with writing the song as well." Louis said, jumping to the kitchen. 

"What?! How much time do I get for this, exactly?" I said freaking out. One, I might sing a duet with Liam! Two, Louis is totally ruining my pizza!

"We'll give you today and tomorrow morning. All the songs for the next album need in my tomorrow afternoon." Harry said kinda shyly. 

"I can't write a song that fast. I need the perfect vocals for whoever I'm singing with, plus I need a good rhythm.." I didn't know it, but I was blabbing. Liam grabbed my hand. 

"I'll help. I mean, if you wanna sing with me." he said, shooting a cocky grin with his adorable puppy eyes. 

"Ya. Thanks." I say trying my hardest not to freak out. "So when-"

"Cho! The pizza!" Louis yelled from the kitchen. 

"Damn you!" I yelled getting up from the couch and running to save my pizza. I usually don't cuss around Liam, but desperate times call for desperate measures right? 

"I'll meet you in your room to start." Liam said leaving the room. I got the pizza out without it being too crispy. 

"Uh, dig in?" I said, sadden by my mess. I mopped into my room when I heard Liam singing my song. 

"Without you, I try so hard to stay, without you." he sang. I couldn't help but smile. His voice goes from a sexy deep tone, to an amazing singing tone. Finally, I get the nerve to walk in. "I wanted you to know, without you I fall. Your short brown locks, without them..." he continued. "Oh, Chloe. Sorry cutie, this song is amazing." he said getting up from my bed, setting my guitar down. I smiled and walked to my 1996 keyboard. It was Louis' if you wanted to know. 

"Can you play guitar for me?" I asked taking a seat on the chair. Liam grabbed another seat and moved close to the keyboard with the guitar. I played a few simple notes, then a tune hit me. I played a soft, slow tune at first. 

"You might think you have me all figured out. But the truth is I like to keep my mouth shut." I started. He picked up in guitar. 

"You really shouldn't have to climb those walls." he sang nodding toward me.

"On your own. All alone. Whose gonna catch you if you fall." we both sang in harmony. "I thought we could be something. Be something only fairy tales, princes, knights and kings have too." 

"Will you be my princess, baby." Liam ended. 

"I like it." I smiled jotting down everything we just sang. 

"Me too." he said smiling at me. He started to strum a fast song on the guitar. "Tell me I'm a screwed up mess, that I never listen listen." he sang my favorite lyrics to Tell Me A Lie. 

"Tell me you don't want my kiss, and that you need your distance distance." I sang along too, still writing what we got through. 

"Will you be my princess baby." he sang again. That one line stayed in my head the entire time we worked. 

"From the top?" he nodded. I started playing on the piano, the same tune I played before. 

Me- "You might think you have me all figured out. But the truth is I like to keep my mouth shut." 

Him -"You really shouldn't have to climb those walls."

Both- "On your own. All alone. Whose gonna catch you if you fall. I thought we could be something. Be something only fairy tales, princes, knights and kings have too." 

Him -"Will you be my princess, baby." 

Me- "Up on my castle top. Crying to get down. Oh, trying to get out of this old room."

Him- "Don't worry, princess. I will be there soon. My horse can only run,"

Both- "Faster than the moon. I thought we could be something. Be something only fairy tales, princes,knights and kings have too."

Me- "It's getting dark and cold."

Him- "Quiet and alone. I will do anything, just to be with you." so basically, after that line, he went into this real cool guitar solo. It sounds like a fighting tune so it fits right in. 

Him- "You are safe my love. Tonight you'll be in my arms."

Me- "I never thought that I,"

Both- "Could be another half. This is our fairy tale, we got something they don't. An everlasting love, that can always...soar." 

I smiled at him nervously. He smiled back and put the guitar down. 

"We should probably go tell the boys we finished." he said still smiling at me. 

"No worries, we heard it all." Zayn said, pipping in to my room, followed by Harry, Niall, and Louis.

"Brilliant! Really good, you guys." Niall said happily jumping on Liam's shoulders. 

"What time is it?" I ask getting nervous around all the boys in my messy room. 

"About 10 at night." Louis said, pretending to look at a watch on his hand. 

"Omigosh, we've been at this all day. I'm sorry I wasted your time." I said looking down at the lyrics we just sang. 

"It was all worth it. The song turned out great, and I finally got you to sing for me." he said smiling again. I looked back at the boys and nodded. They all cheered about the new song. Everyone, including Liam, ran to the kitchen for celebration. As celebration, I mean strawberry shortcake. I got up from my keyboards, turning it off. I put my guitar back on its stand, and walked out of my room grabbing a jumper. 

"I'm going on a walk. Be back in 30 minutes." I said walking out the door. 

"Wait! Let me join." Niall said catching up. I looked back at Liam who was sword fighting Louis with a fork. 

"I-I guess so." I said holding the door open a bit more. 

A/n: Yaay(: Chapter 2! *insert thumbs up here* Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow.

And Lexi Fosbarry, if you dare are reading this...I hope my story is coming out soon( ; 

Thanks you all for voting for Tell Me A Lie!

Keep voting and commenting!

Also, my friend needs some fans if you know what I mean. Her name is xLiamxLouisx Her story is called Bro's For Good. It's brilliant, I suggest reading it if y'all like me(:

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