Chapter 5

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I dream that night.

I dream of the military, 70 years ago. Dreaming, remembering actually, how I was too skinny but no matter what they told me, I just kept enlisting, trying and trying to get in. Since my parent died when I was young, and they were both in the military, I wanted them to have been proud of me, the only son they had, walking in their footsteps and accomplishing great things and ended the war.

Until I finally got in. And got the chance t change, become the first powerful and strong soldier. Ther "perfect soldier" they called it. The Stark serum that changed my life. 

The serum that made me Captain America.

But the job description wasn't what I thoght it would be. Instead of fightning all the bad guys and killing Hitler, I had to do shows and convince people to enlist in the military. Until my best friend, Bucky got kidnapped. That was when I had had enough. Without telling anyone I went to where my comrades were imprisoned and got them out, defeating the Red Skull along the way, crashing the aircraft and sending myself into an icecube for 70 years.

I dream of the day I awoke, awoke in the fake hotel room, made tolook like from my time, but it didn't fool me. 

The only difference in this dream is that when I get out of the room Loki is standing there, smirk plastered cross his face, arms crossed, as he strides toward me.

"What are you doing here?" I aks, confused, remembering in my dream that the day did not go like this.

Loki laughs. His laugh sounds so easy, so...comforting. "I'm here for you. Remember our date?"


I shoot up in my bed, the sheets soaked with sweat, my naked chest glistening as well. I stand up, throwing on gray sweatpants voer my plain black boxers, shaking my head as I walk to the kitchen to get some water and tihnk for a moment before returning to sleep.

Why was Loki in my dream? And why did we plan a date? 

I shake my head again as I open the fridge, the light blinding me, as I grab a water from the fridge and walk back into my room, my thoughts swimming with questions. All of them connecting to Loki.

Have I gone insane? Why do I even force myself to see him everyday? Am I even forcing myself or do I want to go?

I sigh, trying to get these thoughts out of my head as I return to my bed, covering myself with my nice soft sheets. I push the thoughts away just as I fall into another dream.


I wake up in the morning, groaning from the awful night sleep I got. After that dream I don't think I can face Loki again without him quesioning my thoughts. He did say he could find out anything, and God knows I do not want him finding out about that part of my dream. Too weird.

 I walk into the kitchen and turn on the coffee maker, setting out my sugar and milk and my favorite  mug, a plain black mug that says  "Man's best friend is coffee" and sit at the table, when someone starts knocking on the door.

I get up, cautiously and grabbing my shield from the cloet, not entirely sure who it is, because I'm sure as hell not expecting anyone, especially not in the morning.

I look through my peep hole and let out my breath, relieved as I unlock the door and reveal Thor standing in my doorway, hammer clenched in his right hand, his face contorted into anger.

"What are you doing here Thor?" I ask, gesturing for him to come in. He follows me as I re-enter the kitchen, pouring coffee, sugar and milk into my mug as Thor takes a seat.

"Loki is looking for you."

I almost spit my coffee out at Thor's words, the dream from last night popping up in the front of my mind again. I blush and look away, fnding a napkin to pick up the little spill I made.

I laugh off what Thor says. "Loki? Looking for me? I think you have the wrong person Thor."

Thor shakes his head. "No, I have the right Midgarian. Loki hates Midgaridans, but he told me when I went to bring him his food to come and fetch you because you hadn't showed up yet, and he claimed you were late. I said I had no clue what he was talknig about. So please, enlighten me what you were doing with my brother?"

I set the coffee down as I walk over to my trash bin and throw away the dirty napkin. "Well I decided that since Odin and you didn't need my help, I might as wlel have made the trips to Asgard for someting, instead of just coming back here to do nothing all day." I shurg it off.

"So you decided to see my brother? in the dungeons? You know how dangerous that is?" Thor asks, his voice raising as he stands, poising his hammer as if to strike me.

"Woah, Thor, calm down. He's behind a magical barrier, I'll be fine. Plus I don't think his intention is to hurt me anyway." I hold my hands up in a defensive position, trying not to get clobbered to death as I reassure his brother isn't trying to kill me.

"And how do you know he won't kill you? You do remember he tried killing me, his own brother, only  decade ago!" Thor protests.

"Thor that was 10 years ago! He's changed! Plus, all he wants to do is just talk to me. He's lonely and wants someone to speak to. That's all I swear Thor." I say, looking to where I put my shield down, calculating how long it would take my to run to get it, if needed.

Thor lowers his hammer as he sighs. "Well, let's go then. He's very impatient and clearly he has a lot to talk about. He talks about you like you two are secretly up to something."

I answer Thor as I put on a shirt and shoes and leave beghind Thor, locking the door behind me. "Up to something? Goodness no! I would  never do anything evil with him Thor, that's just not who I am. And trust me if I had the chance, I would take his head clear off his neck with my shield."

Frozen By Love (A Stoki Fic) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now