The first of many

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Callum's pov

I open my eyes slowly and find myself next to Clyde and a big green building.  "Clyde dude. Wake up." I shake him. He opens his eyes and sits up. "Callum? Where.. where are we?" He asks.  "I dont know man." I tell him helping him up.

"Hey dude isn't that Lexi and Ellie?" He asks pointing behind me. I turn to around and see Lexi pulling Ellie who is sobbing. They run into the building. "What was that about?" He asks. "Only one way to find out." I tell him as we walk into the house.

"Ellie it's ok he is gone. He wont hurt you." Lexi's voice calls out from upstairs. "W..what if he comes back." Ellie says as we get closer. "Wait.. do you hear that?" Lexi whispers.

Lexi's pov

I lock the door behind us while Ellie curls up in the corner. "Ellie it's ok he is gone." I tell her trying to calm her down. "W..what if she comes back." Ellie says rubbing her eyes. I hear the floor boards creak nearby. "Wait.. do you hear that?" I ask. Someone tries opening the door making Ellie whimper. 

"Ellie its ok. Calm down." I whisper to her. Someone knocks on the door. We stay quiet. "Ellie? Lexi?" Callum's voice calls out. "Callum?" I call out. "Let us in." Clyde says. I quickly unlock the door and they enter the room.

"Oh thank god its you guys." I whisper hugging Clyde. "What's wrong with Ellie?" Callum asks walking towards her. "When I woke up I heard screams  and found a guy holding her by her neck and he was saying creepy things to her until I hit him over the head. Now we are hiding here." I explain.

"Oh what the fuck." Clyde states pulling a disgusted face. I notice Ellie standing up. "We should look for the others." She whispers walking out of the room.  We look at each other before following her down the stairs.

We meet up with her outside when we are greeted with a familiar group of faces. "Oh thank god." Clyde says running towards Sam and lifting her into a tight hug. "Nice to see you guys are ok." Callum says to the twins and Beth.

"Same here. But we need to get out of here. There is a maniac who is killing people." Beth says making me gasp. "Maybe it was the same guy Ellie ran into earlier." Clyde says. "I dont want to talk about that right now." She whispers.

"I noticed a car on the way over here. However, it is missing gas and a battery and I doubt it has keys inside." Sam says. "And it only fits 4 people. However, I saw a dock in the distance I think there was a boat there but I cant remember." She says.

"Ok so we fix the car and the possible boat and get the fuck out of here." Clyde says. We all agree when Ellie let's out a small whimper we turn to face her when we notice a guy in a hockey mask behind her with an arm around her waist and a machete to her throat.

"Oh my god.." I whimper. "You fucker let her go!" Callum shouts running towards him  when a loud crackling sound goes off along with sparks. The guy drops Ellie and Callum grabs her by the hand and we run away from the guy. "Im so glad I found those firecrackers earlier." Beth says as we run.

"What is his obsession with Ellie?" I ask causing everyone to shrug.  "We should hide in this house." Callum points out. We head into the house and I barricade the door behind us.

"Hey guys I found some weapons to defend ourselves." Alex says. She lays out a baseball bat a shotgun a flare gun an axe and a wrench.  I pick up the bat. Clyde takes the axe Callum takes the shotgun Beth takes the flare gun and Alex takes the wrench. 

"What about Sam and Ellie?" I point out.  Until we can find them some weapons we will have to defend them ourselves." Callum says.  We nod and continue searching through the house.

"Jackpot." I grin as I open a drawer revealing several walkie talkies. I hand one to everyone. "Now we have a way to  contact each other if we split up." I say smiling. "Good job Lexi." Ellie says. "Lets move on to the next house. Im certain I saw a mechanic near by." Alex says.

"Ok we will split up. Clyde you go with Sam and Alex. Lexi you come with me and Callum your with Ellie." Beth says. "Ok lets go." He says.

Beth's pov

We all went off in our groups when Lexi turned to me and said. "Im worried about Ellie. They guy wanted her to be his pet." "Oh gross what the fuck is wrong with this prick?" I ask.

"Who knows. Hey look there is the mechanic." I point out running towards the building. I find a gas can and several weapons hidden inside. "Hey guys I found gas." I say to the walkie talkie. "Ok meet us the car." Clyde says.

"Come on Lexi lets go." I say turning around. Lexi isnt there. "Lexi?" I call out. Im greeted with silence. "Guys Lexi is gone." I tell them. "Wait what do you mean she is gone?" Ellie asks panicking. "She is gone. She was here and now she isnt." I say turning around.

Ellie's pov

"She is gone. She was here and now she isnt." Beth says. Suddenly her walkie talkie cuts out and Callum and I hear a near by scream. Without hesitating I run towards the screams despite Callum shouting at me to stop.

We find a mechanics. I run inside and scream. "Ellie whats.. oh my god!" Callum says running into the building.
In front of us was Beth's body and a few feet in front of us was her head.

To be continued

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