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As usual, mata dibuka tepat pada deringan kejutan alarm yang ke-4. Sudah pukul 8.45 pagi and i'm not late or anything. I just need go get going, today gonna be a busy super hectic day. Bowel cleaning? Done. Shower with self respect? Done. Here comes the brutal part of every morning. Clothing. Is it okay to just wear some nice shirt with a loose jeans? I'm not fat. Full figured. Remember that. Shoot, i'm gonna be late!

"Morning princess, tepat pada waktunya!"

Gaby, 22-ish, female but consider herself as full grown woman with baggage aka children. No, i'm not kidding. She's a mother of a comel little girl that barely gives me trouble at the kiosk. Gave her Frozen coloring book once. Harap-harap dia sukalah. I like her. I hate kids. But not her.

"Morning, mother. So, what's for breakfast? Baby laparlah. Seriously i can eat the whole KFC bucket by myself..."

Yes, i'm calling myself as Baby. Got problem with that? Gaby rolled up her beautiful hazel eyes and said something particularly clever.

"Mak memang memasak untuk dua orang anak. Satu anak aku, satu kau. Dalam tupperware tu ada nasi dagang ikan tongkol. Kau pelahap lah nanti waktu rehat. Makan pagi nanti kau mengantuk."

Yes! Nasi Dagang for lunch. Now proceed with work. Oh, sorry. I'm working at this stall or kiosk or whatevs you peeps calling it selling a bunch of useless magazines and news papers. That is why i'm a morning person. More like terpaksa but i can't be choosey. I need to work, and i need money for this fab ass to live.

"Baby, laki kau datang dah..."

God bless Gaby, she's right. There he is. Lukman. The janitor at our place and by that, i mean this shopping mall. He's a bear, more like panda-ish but he's so cute i'm gonna eat him... I'm just starving, that's all.

"Hai, Adi..."

There goes my name. I'm Adiwan, 22-ish but obviously i'm 26. I don't know, maybe my gene doesn't add up. Sorry, not taking bio in class so pretty much i think i better shut the hell...

"Hai abang Lukman. Dah breakfast ke? Kak Gaby buat Nasi Dagang today..."

"Sedapnya. Tinggal abang sikit lah nanti. Boleh?"

I did not answer back, i mean immediately. I'm not a whore. Wait, am i being defensive right now? So yeah. As always, abang Lukman just strolled out with his chain of keys, in his blue janitor attire, with that fine ass...

"Jenis kalau lapar jantan. Dia dah kahwin, anak sorang. Sudahlah berangan. Sale semalam kau ingat tak kat mana akak letak envelope duit tu? Akak bukak karung bawah tu takde."

Oh shoot! I forgot about the money!! Relax, calm yah tits. I've got this. So i went inside (literally you can even make love in it) the drawer while praying to God (every in His First Name) so that the envelope wasn't misplaced at all.


"Alhamdulillah! Akak dah cuak tadi."

"Semalam kita sama-sama kelam kabut nak tutup kedai kan? Nasib baik saya teringat yang saya just selit je envelope tu dekat tepi. So akak pergi transfer duit dekat CIMB, let me jaga kiosk."

Gaby yang sememangnya suka berjalan kala berkerja mengangguk dan berlalu pergi dengan envelope sale semalam. While me, just flipping through the Kosmo pages, hoping to find something interesting to feed up my morning mood. Wait, i know i mentioned earlier that Gaby is 22-ish right? That is why i added the ish. Cause she's 34, and a widow. The kindest person on earth that i've known. Bless her.

"Nok, teman aku jap?"

Ary. Straight but act sissy. 24/23 ish. Doesn't matter. He's that 'friend' when we need someone to annoyed to or just simply a companion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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