The brothers past

Start from the beginning

"That woman is actually the triplets mother. I guess she must be the woman that I saw at the balcony when I arrived at the sakamaki mansion." I thought.

I now hear barking. I turn to see a young Shu holding a puppy. He also looks happy. Then I see a woman with blonde hair in bun, blue eyes and wearing a red dress.

She is sitting down and there is an another person sitting by her side, but that person is actually Reiji as a child

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She is sitting down and there is an another person sitting by her side, but that person is actually Reiji as a child. He is also reading a book. When Shu approached the woman with the puppy, she looks disgusted.

"Shu what are you doing with that thing?" the woman asked.

"Mother look, Edgar gave him to me. Isn't he cute?" Shu hold out the puppy.

"Release that thing at once." She ordered.

But Shu just kept laughing and smiling at the puppy like he didn't care what his mother said.

"Shu, you're the eldest son. You'll be the head of the family one day and you need to conduct yourself." the woman said serious.

She ordered the butler to take away the puppy away from Shu, but Shu refused to let it go.

"I won't let it go! I promise Edgar I would take care of him!" Shu said.

His mother took a step foward towards Shu. Shu looked at her only to see disappointment in her eyes. Shu finally let go of the puppy, and he ran off somewhere. Shu's mother sat down again sighing.

"Mother I finished memorizing this entire book." young Reiji said.

But his mother just ignored him, so Reiji continue reading the book irritated.

"I can't believe she would just ignore Reiji like that. Now I understand why Reiji would always call him a 'good for nothing ddeadbeat'. And Shu wasn't very happy when she took away that puppy from him, because she needed him to be the head of the family. I actually now feel bad for them." I thought to myslef.

I look down to see a white rose near my foot. I bent down on my knees to grab it, but one of its thorns cut my finger. I stand up straight looking at my bleeding finger.

I then look up to see the scene changed. There is now a young Subaru looking up at a tower and holding a silver knife.

I am now looking up to see a woman with red eyes, white hair in a bun on the side of her head, and a white dress with black diamonds on it.

I am now looking up to see a woman with red eyes, white hair in a bun on the side of her head, and a white dress with black diamonds on it

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She looked down at Subaru from the tower, but how the way she was looking at him was sadness. She then turned around and walked away.

Subaru had his head down who is also sad. The silver knife that he was holding, he let go of it only hearing the knife clang as it fell on the floor.

The scene then changed again. Now I'm actually where Ayato's mother is with a man he is sitting down, his back facing me.

"Cordelia you're the most beautiful and elegant creature that walks this Earth, our world only exists to love you." the man said.

"Oh~ Richter I wish we could stay this way as you whisper your sweet nothings in my ear." the woman said.

I look to the side to see Ayato hiding from his mother watching them. I then look at the woman only to see she is actually looking at me with a smirk. I now felt my heart stopped, making it hard for me to breath. I fell down holding my chest in pain.

End of Yui's dream

I woke up sitting up on my bed, gasping and panting for air. I could feel sweat on my face from that horrible nightmare.

"I need to know the truth." I said to myself.

To be continued...

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