Chapter 1

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~khatherines POV~

I sat in 8th period, algebra. The last day of school and I gotta say I'm excited for summer. After school I would be leaving with my best friend, her boyfriend, and her family on a camping trip.

"I will miss you all...very much. But don't forget your math during summer!" said Mr Harris wrapping up his speech.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket and checked the time...3:18. 2 more minutes and it's summer!! I also noticed a text from samantha, my best friend,

"Sammy: can't wait omg!!! <3"

"Me: me neither omg!!! it's gonna be so much fun <3"

I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. The bell rang and I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. Everyone's laughing and smiling made me feel happy about summer. I walked down the hall and Sam came out of the classroom cheesing. "LETS GOOO" she said laughing

We walked to the parking lot and got in Sams car.

"So where's Aaron? (Sams boyfriend) " I asked.

"Um he said he'll meet up with us later at the house...he has to pick up a few things before we leave" Sam said turning up the radio.

We drove to my house about 5 minutes away from the school. Once we got there I grabbed my bags and my purse and headed downstairs. "Okay mom I'm leaving!!" I yelled from the kitchen looking for her. " Wait! "she yelled from the backyard. She ran into the kitchen and hugged me goodbye. "be safe okay...don't wander around by yourself, or without an adult" she said rubbing my back. "okay mom..." you said laughing a little. she's told you a million times but you didn't want to get lost in the woods so you listened. "okay well I'll see you in a few days" she said smiling and letting you go. you walked out the door with all your bags and put them in Sams trunk of the car. "ILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF HER " Sam yelled from the car. "please do sam" my mom said as she stood by the door. I got in the car and waved goodbye to my mother. We drove away to sams house.

On the way there we sang along to Demi Lovato.

I thought about the trip and how amazing it would be. I felt very excited... but I'm going to feel like a third wheel! Aaron is going and they're a couple. I hope Sam doesn't forget about me...

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