Chapter 4

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Dedicated to RobotsWillCry, because she’s been a great help, and I’m very grateful! It may seem quite short, but I’m trying my best to think about how this story will go, though I sort of have the ending planned in my head. Sorry, I haven't proofread yet, so forgive me for stupid mistakes. :/

Enjoy :)

Two days had passed. I lay on the king sized bed, looking up at the ceiling. I’ve been in this position all morning, thinking about…. Well everything really. I sighed, why was this happening to me? I knew it was a selfish question to ask, if it were to happen to someone in the family I’d want it to be me, but I couldn’t help but think that. Yes, I’ve wanted to live life like they did in a typical action movie, but that was only meant to be a dream, and stay a dream.

 I hated it already, I hated not waking up to my mum’s cooking, I missed them: mum, my little sister and best friend Cassie. Two days and I’ve never coveted  home like this before. I’m sure mum would be so worried. I couldn’t help but imagine her making sandwiches and a cup of tea with that for the police men that she would have called last night.

I sighed, and decided to get up, I still hadn’t gotten used to the surroundings of the hotel, that we checked into two days earlier. It was very luxurious, and I didn’t want to think about where the money came from to afford such a place. I walked down the brightly lit corridor, and slumped into the couch. Right now, it was only Jay and I who occupied the room; I wondered where Nico could be right now, out of the group I trusted Nico, and could only confide in him, if I had to.

“Sky, go and eat something.” Jay, said nosily as he munched away at his cereal. I shrugged, I didn’t feel like food at all, I suppose I had lost my appetite ever since I saw that van light on fire, the shrieks of the men inside haunted me at night, though they were after me, I felt grief on behalf of their family, I couldn’t imagine how it would feel for his family, their husbands and dads not coming home, ever. I shook my head to get rid of the disturbing thought. I tried changing the subject by asking Jay, about the whereabouts of the gang of men, who were after us.

"Nothing yet, nice try Sky but you still need to get something down your throat. You need all the energy you can get.” I couldn’t be bothered to make myself some food, even though everything Jay was telling me was true, I did need all the energy I could get. However I still remained slouched on the couch, and lazily took the remote in my hand and switched on the TV. What I saw wasn’t expected. It was live feeds, from every angle of the hotel, and it changed one by one to the inside of the hotel, e.g. the stairs, the main corridor, the reception and in front of the apartment we were in.

With my eyes wide open, Jay sat down beside me and plopped a bowl of cereal in hands; though I still stared at the TV screen in front of me longer than necessary. “ Noah, looped the camera’s around the hotel, so we will be well aware of any intruders, long before they end up getting I from those doors” he nodded in the direction of the front door. Whoa, Noah seriously did that! How cool was that, I wonder what else she or even they could do I even reckon I could learn a trick or two, while I’m staying with them.

Sky, eat. He said, impatiently, with what seemed like a harmless growl. Which, I didn’t disobey, I quickly shoved it down my throat, and my stomach surprisingly agreed with it.

Panting and sweating I woke up with a jump from that frightful nightmare, leaping off the bed, I rushed to the en suite toilet where I vomited then washed my whole face with cool water, which brought me to my senses. I looked up in the mirror, and the grief stricken girl that faced me was not the Sky I was four days ago. I wiped off the water along with the sweat from my face with the perfumed towel that had been provided by the hotel. There was no point in trying to go back to bed, and I was scared to even dream after the nightmare of…of I couldn’t even bare to say his name without tears springing to my eyes.

I sauntered to the window, and admired the view, it was beautiful the sun had been rising, and the sky was filled with colours; blue orange, red and purple. I smiled, I hadn’t seen such a beautiful moment in a long time. Just then I felt the urge to jog. Surely nothing would happen if I jogged not much from the hotel, I was starting to grow accustomed of the area we were in, as I had gone with Noah numerous of times, to go buy food and equipment she needed.

I silently walked towards the kitchen hoping not to wake the others up, as I wasn’t up for confrontations, seeing as I still felt shaken up from earlier. I grabbed a fruit bar which I fancied, and munched away at it, whilst slurping some milk. I took the hoodie; I had slung on the hat stand and slowly opened the door, before closing it quietly behind me.

Starting at a normal walking pace, I continued down the street until I came across a crossing. Jogging across the zebra crossing as a car neared towards me, fear rose inside of me as my eyes lay upon a group of dodgy looking boys hanging around a corner shop, all of them wearing hoodies, and some wearing bandanas over their mouths. Stay calm, there had been two cases of stabbing twice, and both case were related to gangs, where I lived, but that was less than the norm in London these days, between rivalry gangs. I had across so many gangs, and I knew the key to being left alone: to act normal, so that’s what I decided to do.

As they were in the direction I only knew, I made my way to walk past them. My heart was pounding in my chest, that it felt like it would rip straight out of it. One of them looked up and noticed me, and a gruel smirk grew across his face. Oh, crap, I’m done for; this is the end of me, no more Sky Williams. The deviant spoke to his crew, and one by one they stared at me, smiles creeping across their faces. I smiled weakly, when one of the gang, probably the leader spoke up. “Look at what we’ve got here, boys, what shall we do with this one?” He looked back at his friends, who only cheered back in response. That’s my cue to leg it. I sprinted off down an alley, Why did I choose to go down an alley of all places, I cursed myself for my stupid decision, soon later I came to the end of the alley, and I could hear the footsteps after me, where to, where to. I looked left and right, left it is.

 I sprinted down the road, the sound of footsteps chasing me were becoming distance, and was soon replaced by grunts, and shouting. Whatever, was going on, I was sure glad about. I sprinted past the road, a car beeping at me as I ran past it, a very close shave. I looked back, and they were nowhere to be found. I slowed right down to a halt, panting.

Beside me stood a very tempting telephone box, I couldn’t help but stare at it, anxiously; I started towards the front of it, gulping as I got closer. There was the small chance that our house phone would be taped, but what about Cassie’s? Surely they didn’t know about her. I picked up the receiver, and held it to my ear, hearing the empty line, droning away. I felt around my pocket for some change.

Damn it. I kicked the bottom of the box it stood on, seeing as I was out of luck, I placed my head on the cold metal of the box. I felt a hand on my shoulder; I instantly jumped, but relaxed when I saw it was only Jay. “Come here,” He said softly, opening his arms. I fell into his arms, and hugged him, he sighed and hugged me back tighter as he relaxed losing the usual tension in his shoulders, I felt so contempt and so safe, like nothing in the world can hurt me. The scent of cinnamon lingering around him made me smile and all gooey and warm on the inside, and strangely I snuggled closer and buried my face in the crook of his neck. I was glad he was here for me right now. I hugged back tighter. I don’t know how long we stood there, but it was the greatest feeling I had felt in a long time.

A/N: Don’t you just love Jay.

I know, I know, this is so late, forgive me maybe? Oh yeah I already wrote down parts of chapter 5, so hopefully it’ll be up soon, but I won’t promise, because I’m rubbish at keeping them at the moment :/

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