My First Day of Training and a Dummy Kicks My Ass: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: My First Day of Training and a Dummy Kicks My Ass

“Gah.” The sound escaped me as I was thrown to the floor for what felt like the hundredth time today. At least it wasn’t as bad as the times before when all the are was blasted out of me.

“Are you okay?” Conrad said trying to conceal his laughter once again.

“Yeah, yeah laugh it up, but I will remember this when I can fight, then you are going down…hard.” I tried to put as much venom into my words but it failed was laugh at the last few words.

“Sure but when you can’t even fight a practice dummy that’s not threating in the least.”

I gave him my trade mark death glare to which he only laughed more.

“Okay tigress widen your stance a little bit more until you are balanced and stable, keep your feet flat on the ground.” I did as he asked and actually found my self feeling a little less off balanced.

“Now the dummy has been programed to the lowest skill setting all you have to do is parry, when he pause try a thrust at the little circular plate there or anywhere else you can find one. Those will shut it down on contact.”

“Just turn it on already.” I was getting incredibly frustrated with the machine and decided I was not going to let it knock me on my ass again.

It whirled into action and sent the fake sword for my legs. I knocked it away trying to go for a lunge to the disk above where the heart should be. He parried it back to me he lunged for me and I side stepped, barely. I sent the sword to his side hitting the dummy square against the supposed rib cage. He turned around to face me and brought the sword down toward my shoulder. I threw my sword up blocking it and grabbed the dummies wrist then sent my sword for the little disk signaling my victory as the machine shut off.

Conrad started to clap behind me as I finally had my victory. “Way to go the score is now 35-1.”

I made a face then charged for Conrad nearly tackling him. He grabbed my wrists and turned me around so my back was to him and my wrist crossed each other. I had seen the movie “Knight and Day” before and remembered what Roy told June.

“Hands like Houdini” I said under my breath and then thrust my hips back while throwing my arms down.

“Very good Kat. How did you learn that?”

“Sometimes you can learn things from a movie.”

“I guess so. Now let’s try that again.”

He had me doing self defense techniques for the rest of the afternoon. We did a couple more ‘hands like Houdini’ and flipping him and then what ended it was me giving him a nice big ‘S.I.N.G’ from “Miss Congeniality.”

“Okay remind me to wear padding next time.”

“Maybe I will and maybe I won’t. We will just have to see now won’t we.” I said as walked away leaving him in a ball.

Before I walked out of the room though I looked behind me to see if he was still there. When I did I found he was gone. I turned my full body back to where he was preparing to jog back when someone came up behind me, scooped me up, and threw me over his shoulder.

“Conrad put me down!”

“Maybe I will and maybe I won’t. We will just have to see now won’t we.”


I told her what she told me earlier starting off my revenge plan. I then walked her like that all the way to the dining room she was kicking most of the way there but eventually gave up when she realized I wasn’t letting her go. I set her down in a chair next to mine and she gave me what I guessed to be her evil stare but it looked a lot like she was hoping that her anger would burn my face off. All I did in response was laugh.

“I really hate you right now Conrad.” She said. As she did she turned her head to try and hide her face but not before I saw a little smirk rise on her face.

“I know. But every girl eventually falls for the charms of Prince Conradio!” I said being totally full of myself just to make her more annoyed.

She turned and stuck her tongue out at me before eating what the chef had brought in for dinner. After she finished eating she got up. “Thanks Conrad today was fun.”

“No problem. You need to learn this stuff anyway.”

She smiled and shook her head and then went to what I assume was her bed chambers.

I stayed a little longer finishing my dinner.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with her.” The voice of my bodyguard said.

“Yeah and what’s your point.” I said more as a statement than a question.

“Do you think she could be the one?”

“I don’t know, Erasmus, I don’t know.”


“Oh god.” I said as I slipped into my nice warm bath ten minutes later. I looked down at my body to see the multitude of bruises that were popping up all over my skin. The hot water started to loosen up the muscles that I hadn’t even realized were that tight.

When I got out I went to the boudoir that held the clothes the got for me. I searched for some pj’s until I found a pair of silk ones that were a almost silvery lavender I put the tank top and pants on and climbed into a nice soft twin bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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