The woman I once thought could be this woman, was long forgotten. Despite my feelings for her, I had to let her go. She wasn't the one. She presented the element of air, not the one of pure quintessence as I craved. She remained a powerful ally but not the one I desperately seeked. Now the goddess was present, and I would exploit her presence before I let her go. I captured her lips and kiss her softly. Her mouth was so inviting, it causes me to become rough and hungry. She didn't respond to my gesture. Typical. She tried to push me but I only hold on tighter to her slim body. I released her reluctantly and immediately commanded my forces to let her out. She would be taken back to her home, safe and sound. She was still dazzed from the stolen kiss and I smiled at her, reassuring her of our next reunion. This woman would be mine. Completely and willingly.


I was suddenly on solid groud again, my face pressed to the cold floor. I had no idea what had happened, how I had gotten back into my house so fast. Then I remembered. Xenos. A complete stranger and lunatic had just kissed me and shipped me out. I was so exhausted by everything that had occurred so rapidly and unexpectedly. He was insane and needed to be stopped. I quickly realized how tired I was, how worn out I felt, despite the shower and change of clothes. I rose and headed for my room. As I passed, I checked the calendar and froze. Three days had passed. How in the world was that even possible!? I didn't have time to ponder as sleep took over. I had anything but peace. Nightmares of Ares had crawled their way back into my mind, crushing every barrier I could put up and enslaving me. I gained nothing but bumps in the head from tossing into my wall repeatedly. No matter how difficult this was for me right now, I would do my best to pick my life back up and stay strong.



I slammed my fists down in frustration...the same name, scarce data.This individual went through great lengths to wipe out his information on the database...only leaving his name and former occupation. A national guard, fired upon unknown misconduct. My mind raced to Aphrodite. She'd been gone for 3 days....I would not let fear cloud my judgement. I would not stop till I found her.

"Master Bruce! Master Bruce!" Alfred called as he approached me.

"What is it, Alfred?" I asked

"She's just turned up at work, sir." He said. I spun around quick and turned on the news. Vicki Vale appeared and shortly after, a headline about Aphrodite.

"Goodmorning Gotham, we are delighted that Ms. Aphrodite Johnson has returned. She made her appearance this morning, at her workplace, Luminix studio and-" She was saying when I cut off the news. That was all I needed to know. I got up and headed out. I drove this time and headed straight for Luminix. Reporters were parkered everywhere, and guards at studio were trying to keep the media away. Stepping out would divert attention and make it more difficult for me to get in, but I stepped out anyway. She was more important than the pestering media Bruce Wayne was accustomed to.

"Mr Wayne! Mr Wayne! What brings you here?!"

"Bruce Wayne is now making his way into the building-"

"Perhaps to visit Ms. Johnson?-"

Camera flashes and microphones decorated my surrounding but I managed to make my way through without a statement, though some faces stuck to the glass as I tried to shut the door.

"Bruce!" A voice called. Rick. He approached me, looking exhausted.

"How is she?" I asked, unable to hide my concern.

"We're glad to have her back. She's....unresponsive." He said and sighed.

"What exactly do you mean?"

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