Chapter 4 - First-Year's Competition (Preparations)

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Tsumi's POV:

"Are we done with practice?" I ask.

"Yeah, you go ahead first." Sukochi told me.


Yatsuko's POV:

Once Tsumi left, I keep practicing my spells. "Meteor Flame Strike!" Meteors covered by fire barriers speed through the air forcing gravity to disappear. It bursts through the targeted area and makes a crumpled hole in the wall.

"Nice job!" Someone says. I turn back to see my roomate, "You're so lucky to be practicing with her!" He tells me.


"Oh right. I forgot you were in group 2." Exaggerating the word '2'.


"You didn't see, her ability?"

"I did. Her water ability right? I don't get why they picked her. Her element was out of control."


"Impossible!" The headmaster tells me.

"What's impossible?"

"The professor showed me the record of your test."


"You used more than 3 elements! It's not even possible to learn side elements! It takes about 20 years to produce other elements if he or she are rarities!"


Dang. Why did I forget that conversation between headmaster and Tsumi.

"Bye. See you later." He tells me with a smirk. While he walked of, he waved and disappeared into a different corridor.

Tsumi's POV:

"Hello! Welcome back Tsumi." Shiro welcomes me. I just simply wave back at her, smiling. Then, she changes to her serious side, "How was it?"

"How was what?"


"It went smoothly. Why?"

"I was scared Kazei-san did something to you."

"To me?"


"No. We just practiced."

She nodded sternly and went back smiling. Weird, someone looking overprotective of me.


"Did you call headmaster?" I ask him.


"What is it, you called for me?"

"You and Kazei-san have to create a powerful weapon and a duo spell for only Kazei-san and you."


"To win the competition, of course."

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