Chapter 2: Getting To Know You

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Garret had a good conversation with Zombina. Explaining how things work around his home. "Alright. So Ms. Smith's team is going to adapt your room for you. Sound good?" She grinned from ear to ear."Sounds awesome! I'm gonna love it here Gary!" Garret chuckled. "It's Garret." He says. "Oh right sorry." She says sweat dropping. "Can you show me around?" She asks. Currently they sat in the kitchen at the table. A mountain of paperwork in front of them that Garret had to sign. "Sure, it'll save me from drowning in paperwork." They got up and he lead her to the living room, it was fairly big, with a nice couch and a TV with a stack full of movies ranging from horror to comedy to romance. "Aww dude Night of The Living Dead?!" She says bolting to the case. "Dude you're like the best! You like Zombie movies too?! I love the extra gory kind. With more legit zombies ya know?" Garret grinned. "I take it you're a movie person? So am I. I love all kinds of movies. Especially horror, Saw, Child's Play, See No Evil so on so forth." He says joining her looking at the stack of films. "Man I wish I had a place like this of my own! Stupid laws won't let me though..." she says frowning looking downward. "Hey, don't fret. This is just as much your house as it is mine." He says patting her shoulder. A grin creeps across her face. "Thanks Gus." She says. "Garret." He corrects her. "Right sorry. It'll take me a bit to remember." She says scratching the back of her head, feeling awkward. "Hey it's fine we all learn at our own pace right? C'mon I'll show you my bedroom." He leads her upstairs to his man cave. Full of geek memorabilia, video games, comic books, statues, posters, the works. "Oh my god you are such a nerd!" She says beaming at the sight. "I love it! Dude seriously this place is the coolest! Wait....what's this...." She looked behind the door to find his bikini model calendar.

"Hey Gordon, mind telling me what this is...?" She says smirking. Garrets face turned all sorts of red, snatching it from her. " saw nothing! Absolutely nothing!" He says panicking, hiding it under his bed. "Ppft. Don't worry about it. Maybe if you're lucky I can be one of those models~" she says winking at him flirtatiously. Cutting her off, "OKAY moving on. This is your room! Do what ever you want to it! It's not worked on yet but it will be soon. It was a decent sized bedroom with a single bed and window with bare walls. "It doesn't look like much now but Ms. Smith's team should be able to spice it up. And knowing you, you shouldn't have too big of problem with that." He says walking around. His shoes echoing due to the lack of objects to isolate the sound. "Heh that light looks like a giant boob." She says pointing at the light on the roof. To be honest it did. "Please, Zombina PG." He says. "Oh come on man, lighten up." She says smiling. Garret took her to the deck outside overlooking the backyard and neighbours house. "Wow it's nice up here. Garret can I tell you something?" The redhead asks. "Hm~? What is it?" She turns away blushing. "Thanks for letting me stay. Most people are afraid of zombies and the stitching coming off." She says quietly. "Hey no need to thank me. We just met but I like you just the way you are. I wouldn't change a thing. You're perfect the way you are. If there's anything on your mind, anything at all. I don't care what it is. Talk to me." He says smiling. Zombina jumped in his arms for an embrace. He pats the smaller girls back. "On that topic...I was wondering....." he looks down. "What's up?" "Could we maybe go out for dinner? You know to get used to each other more? L-like a date sort of....." Garret nodded slowly. "I like that. I know a good place. Again we just met so I think it's a good idea that we spend some time together.

That night, Garret had a taxi take them to a nice restaurant in town it was a grill place. They sat down at a booth in the corner to avoid the crowd. "Smells good...." She says. Audibly holding her zombie instinct back. Garret took her hand firmly. "Relax. Don't lose yourself." A waiter came up to them, taking their drink and meal order they talked for a few minutes, sharing likes, such as movies or video games. Garret felt he was more then a host. More like a companion for this girl and it was his job to protect her. "HAHAHAHA!" A loud voice laughed. It was coming from the bar table. "Oh my god! Look at that retard! He's actually holding hands with a zombie! Careful it doesn't come off pal!" "How can you even hitch with her anyways? All her good parts fall right off!!" "What a fucking animal! It's like he's trying to get eaten alive by that slut!" "She's got a goddess like rack so what do you expect?? He's probably desperate!" Garret had enough. Looking over to see Zombina hiding her face with a menu blushing hard, the giant thundered up to the duo. A man and woman. The man stood up. Shorter then him at around 5"9' Garret was 6"4'. Smiling awkwardly sweating heavily he stuck his hands up. "Hey hey hey....I-I'm sorry boss....I didn't mean !!" Garret gripped his throat. "Shut the fuck up and sit your ass down you piece of lowlife shit." He pushes him back on his seat almost making the man fall down. He caught a few stares but for the most part his actions where justifiable. He sat back down. "Why did you stick up for me like that?" She asks shyly. "Because it's my job to protect you. And besides, someone had to shut them up. I'm not going to let them talk to you that way.

The food had arrived and smelled delicious. They both enjoyed a glass of alcohol and their meals. Soon it had begun to rain. Garret called another taxi. They stood outside on the deck covered from the rain. Zombina acting on impulse kisses Garrets cheek. He froze blushing. "Thank you for tonight. And thank you for being there for me." She says smiling with a red face. "No problem. Like I said before. It's my job. It's what anyone would do, stand up for someone they care about. It's just being human." The taxi had arrived and took them home. Zombina had crashed on the way. He carried her inside putting her on the couch with a big warm pillow and blanket since her room had yet to be finished. "Goodnight." He says to the zombie girl.

Monster Musume: Being Human ((ZombinaXMale))Where stories live. Discover now