My OC's

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I know I said I'm not roleplaying anymore, but I figured I'd just leave these here as a guideline for the forms. (Also, I may or may not be extremely attached to these characters still and don'g have it in me to get rid of them haha)

Name: Githa Neville

Age: 33 (A little young to have children, but I don't care cause I'm not roleplaying as someone over 35 lol)

Kingdom: Decorus

Species: Sorceress

Role/Job: Is the queen of Decorus

Abilities: Spirit Magic. This is a type of magic that she invented. It allows you to make force fields, communicate and summon spirits. She can also make her soul slip out of her body (this is a very advanced technique that takes years of perfecting however)

Appearance: Has very long black hair  that goes up to her waist. Has innocent looking green eyes, pinkish cheeks, and dark lips. Is very pale. Height is about 6,1. Has very long legs.

Clothes: Wears a dark green and gold dress with loose sleeves. Her dresses are usually very long (sometimes they're so long that they go up to her waist). Also has a golden crown with emeralds on it.

Personality:  Is very manipulative and can flip any situation around where someone else looks like the bad guys. Is very controlling and is often strangely calm in certain situations. Hates being looked down upon and values power and riches. Has an eerie grace to her. Protects everyone in her family. To her, her family are the only people that matter.

Backstory: When she was young, she was a very sweet, happy-go-lucky, girl and had one friend whose been her friend since they were 3. One day, she found out her friend was only friends because of her title. Githa got really upset and shut everyone out. The only people she actually talked to were her parents and she talked to her guards and servants like they weren't people. Then, when her parents died and she became queen, she felt like she had lost everything and treated people outside her family even worse.

Name: Lucy

Age: 20

Kingdom: Decorus

Species: human

Role/job: servant

Abilities: very good at fighting using knives and daggers (mostly at throwing them).

Appearance: has red curly hair that's normally pulled into a bun and very fair skin. Has hazel colored eyes. Is 5'6.

Clothes: wears the typical servant uniform for women which is a brown , long-sleeved, dress that goes up to her knees. She also wears a small white apron around her waist.

Personality: is very cautious, has trust issues, and often judges people immediately without getting to know them first. Doesn't believe in second chances.

Backstory: She used to be a part of a middle class family who were all very close. When she turned 16, they lost a lot of money due to the king raising taxes during a war. Her father had to go fight in the war and ended up being killed. Because of this, her and her mother started drifting a part and Lucy had to become a servant to be able to get money.

Name: Faylinn Achard

Age: 15

Kingdom: Imperium

Species: Human

Role/Job: is the princess of Imperium

Abilities: Has an enchanted sword. Is very agile and good at climbing.

Appearance: has light brown hair with blonde highlights. Hair is always up in a braid. Very tan. Has some freckles. Is 5'3. Is very small, so she can fit through tight spaces.

Clothing: wears a tan colored dress with loose sleeves that goes up to her knees. Also wears brown boots.

Personality: very reckless. Tries to have fun and often tries to turn a bad situation into a good one. Helps people as often as she can. Is very honest and straightforward. Often does things without thinking.

Backstory: she was born in a family of very talented witches from Silva. When she started being taught how to make potions, everyone was disappointed to see that she didn't have the talent for it and didn't seem to be very interested in it. They left her in a forest after that. Then, a knight from Imperium found her and took her to the king. The king held her captive, hoping to trade her for a few potions from Silva. The king of Silva didn't want to trade, however, since Faylinn wasn't very important to them. Eventually, the king began to get a soft side for Faylinn and adopted her. Faylinn is loved by her new family, but no one in Imperium respects her because she's not royal by blood (and is from a different kingdom). Most people are only nice to her because they know the king would punish them if they were mean to her.

Name: Farah Tourlaville

Age: 18

Kingdom: Silva

Species: fairy

Role/job: Servant

Abilities: Can heal people and bring things back to life (however, bringing an animal or a human back to life takes a lot of energy from her. It's easier for her to give a plant life).

Appearance: Has mahogany hair that's always up in braid. Has golden brown eyes. Has very tan skin (because she's outside a lot since she's from Silva). Is 5'4

Clothes: wears a brown and red dress (dress that a peasant woman would normally wear) that goes a little past her knees.

Personality: Doesn't like fighting. Isn't very strong, but is very fast and agile. Normally, she uses her speed to escape a fight instead of being in it. Tries to help people as often as she can. Tends to overthink things. Likes to play things safe instead of taking risks.

Backstory: When Farah's parents died, she was left to take care of her younger brother, Allard. She was 10 when this happened and Allard was 8. Farah had to become a servant for the royal family so she can make enough money to take care of Allard. Unfortunately, the job of a servant requires Farah to stay in the castle as much as possible, so Allard rarely gets to see her. Since Allard was so young when this happened, he mistook it as Farah trying to get as far away from him as possible. Now, he hates her.


Name: Allard Tourlaville

Age: 14

Kingdom: Silva

Species: fairy

Role/job: Thief

Abilities: Hasn't had the time to learn any magic, so he uses two swords.

Appearance: Has short dark brown hair. Is very tan. Has golden brown eyes. Is 5'10

Clothing: Usually wears a white tunic, brown over shirt, gray pants, and gray boots (usual peasant clothing for men).

Personality: Very stubborn and takes a lot of risks. Usually jumps into action without thinking. Very good at one on one fights, but often gets overwhelmed when more people are fighting and doesn't do as well. Usually blames his own problems on other people.

Backstory: Same as Farah.

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