chapter 3:That day

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"hey daisuke can you walk me home today?"

"sure haruka"

me and daisuke walked home together cause we live next door to each other ok you might be sayin that this is  a great time to tell him but maybe I will

"daisuke I have something to tell you and it is important"

"yeah me too"

"haruka I......."

suddenly a guy with blood all over his face and body like as if he was a......ZOMBIE!!!!!

"sir are you ok can I help you"



"I have to save him but that means I have to use my powers"

My's neko ears and tail puts out and I ran to the zombie guy and cut his head clean off

"are you ok daisuke are you biten"

"no but what  you have cat ears and a tail"

"well thats cause I'm a neko"

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