"C'MON ELENA," I yell starting to get even more frightened. I could hear the girls crying and the guys freaking out behind me. After the 30 pumps, I gave her two rescue breaths again but there was still no response. I went back to the pumps but this time pushing harder. Still nothing. I gave her another two rescue breaths and started on the fourth set of pumps.

Suddenly, she gasped for air and opened her eyes.

"ELENA!" I yell before wrapping my arms around her. "Ah," she winces and that's when I realized that her ribs were obviously broken. "Sorry," I whisper before she softly wraps her arms around me too.

"What happened?" She asked as we pulled away. "Uh-" I started before we heard sirens outside the cottage. Savannah ran out and brought the paramedics into the room. I carefully removed my arms completely from Elena and stood up.

The paramedics placed the gurney next to her body and carefully lifted her up onto it.


11:00 P.M.

I sat outside of the hospital room just scrolling through my phone waiting for Elena to wake up. Grayson and I have been here since 3:00 P.M. waiting to go in and see her. Everyone else ended up leaving a few hours ago to go eat or to go help Palmer get her boat out of the water. The nurse did say that Elena was going to be okay and that she was just sleeping but I knew Elena needed her friends right now and I know I can be a dick towards her, but at least she'll have someone.

I then see a nurse walk by us and into the room. A few minutes later, she comes out and lets us know Elena is awake.

Grayson and I walk in to see Elena. She was sitting up straight and I noticed her foot was wrapped in bandages.

Elena's POV:

"Hi guys," I say weakly. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Grayson asks as he and Ethan walk towards the bed I'm sitting on. "I'm okay I guess," I respond. "Where is everyone?" I ask. "Oh, uh, they left a few hours ago to go help Palmer with her boat," Grayson says awkwardly. "Oh." "What time is it?" I ask. "Almost 11:30," Ethan says. "How long have you guys been here for?" "Since you got here," Grayson says. "So about eight hours," Ethan adds. Ethan stayed here for eight hours for me? "Woah, why didn't you guys just go back to the cottage like everyone else did?" "We didn't want you to be alone when you woke up," Grayson says. "Thank you," I say with a smile. "What's wrong with your foot?" Grayson asks. "Oh, apparently my foot was stuck in the storage compartment of the boat and I got a pretty deep cut on it when I was trying to get my foot out." "Apparently?" "Yeah, I don't remember anything that happened. The nurse told me that's what happened." "How would the nurse know?" He asks. "She asked me about what happened and put things together I guess," Ethan says. "Oh, makes sense," Grayson responds. "Uh, Gray, could you give us a minute?" Ethan asks Grayson. What? Grayson gives Ethan a confusing look.

"Sure... Just don't yell at her man, she isn't in the best condition," Grayson says as he walks out the door. Ethan rolls his eyes and turns around to face me. He walks closer to me and sits on the edge of my bed.

"How are your ribs?" He asks gently as he looks into my eyes. He seemed so soft and gentle. I've never seen him like this. "Well, they hurt... like a lot." "Yeah, that's kinda my fault," Ethan says before looking down at his lap. "Oh so it was you that revived me," I say with an amused tone in my voice and a smile on my face. "Yeah," he says smiling and looking back up at me. "Thank you," I say. "Yeah, of course." "Really, I don't know how I can thank you enough. You literally saved my life," I say and unconsciously put my hand over his that was resting on his thigh. "Maybe you could forgive me for how big of a dick I've been towards you." "Mmh, I don't know about that... I mean you saving my life doesn't really make the cut for how big of an ass you are," I say jokingly and remove my hand from his. "Well, maybe this will help," he says and pulls out my charm bracelet from his pocket causing me to let out a gasp.

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