Life update

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K so I decided to do a life update cuz I will be busy this next week. So that's one of our topics. What am I doing? But first let me tell you something. So the other night my dad was ranting about how I will never be a successful gamer Youtuber. Well he didn't say that but it was really close. It was so long that I could only remember a little bit of it. One of the things he said was "maybe you could use you skill for something else, but not the gaming part of course." And he said, "I will never pay some dude to watch him play a game for me." Yep.... well I would NEVER tell my dad who I am watching. One: because he will judge me, which already does. Don't get me wrong he is a great dad but there is just something's he doesn't like. Oh yeah, and HOW do I know he is judging me? Well once I was talking about how I imagined living with my favourite youtubers, which is where my idea for my other story came from, and him and his wife ( my bonus mom. We call her that cuz stepmom sounds evil) both shook there heads like they disapproved of my idea. I NEVER did that again. 2: cuz he might look them up and watch a video and judge me again and think that they are weird. Also my mom is the total opposite. I can say whatever I want about the pals around her and she will just laugh and I will laugh will her. My mom has never judged me. Oh and don't get me wrong again cuz I love both my dad and bonus mom, it's just sometimes they don't let me be me. And by the end of the speech my life goal is now to become a successful gamer Youtuber. Ok now onto why I will be away for a week. This also ties to the previous topic. Tomorrow I am going to a film camp. It starts at like 10 am pst (I think.... I don't know how time work 😂just know I live in bc which is near Denis, Corl, and Alex..... but I live miles away from them 😭) to like 4 pm pst. So that's like the whole day. I can update after though so I won't be gone ALL week. Also it's a FILM camp so I am learning to do stuff like that.

Ok now I have a surprise.


1: wattpad is one of the only platforms where I haven't used a username that has to do with cats....

ROBLOX: PumpedKittyKAT123
Twitter: AshleyKat20
Snap: jk I am not telling the full thing: ***kitten**** kittens***
YouTube: Kat Bae

The only other one that has nothing to do with cats is Funimate: Pals_Edits. The reason for my wattpad user name is cuz one of the first story's I read on wattpad was by Pika_Lover and her story was sooo good. My favourite story at the time was Flashbacks ( it's soooo good) and that persons username was The ship sails or something like that. And I didn't like that name but I thought that the name pika was so cute and I love pikachu so yeah. Pika_Lover if you are reading this plz know that at the time I didn't think it was copying. Only when I started to get popular that I realized that it might seem like copying. I just really admire you so yeah.

2: ok this one is going to be short cuz the last one was reeeeally long. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers

3: my youngest brother was adopted but he was my cousin before we adopted him. We still call him our brother though.

4: my hair is naturally curly and brown but I have dyed it blond so now it's like a wavy golden and sometimes looks good but sometimes looks aweful cuz it's soooooo thick.

5: I am going into high school this year.

6: only one of my friend knew who the pals were before I discovered them. And he only watched Alex. Now all my friends know who they are cuz I talk about them like everyday. They always roll their eyes at me but it's really funny.

7: I am a girl. I think most of you knew that though. I am not a tomboy though. I HATE sports with my whole heart.

8: my favourite place in the entire world is either Kelowna (cuz Denis, Corl, and Alex live there), my bed at my moms ( cuz that's where I play on my phone all night), or Europe cuz of the British accents. I LOVE ACCENTS.

9: my favourite colour is pink and has always been pink. But I have been starting to like purple more now.

10: I like gardening. I don't LOVE it but it's fun. We also have a garden at both houses

Bonus: i go to both my moms and my dads. Our schedule depends on my parents work. If one of them is working we go to the other parents house. I have been at my dads for a long time and have only been to my moms for a couple of days in between. But on Wednesday i am going to my moms again for a whole week. And when I am at my moms I am on my phone till 1 in the morning. At my dads I go to bed at ten and fall asleep at 11. The difference is cuz I don't go on my phone at night at my dads. Idk the difference but there is a big difference. Anyways that's all for now! Pika Out! 😜

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